You should be careful here. I have her book and she is less than honest. She has a bunch of tables where she lists how each version translates certain passages and she just plain makes stuff up. I have a whole shelf full of bible translations on my shelf from delving into this issue and it isn't as simple as Gail makes it sound.
Also, despite what she and others claim, the English language has changed so much that some passages in the KJV are just not understandable. You have to go to some other resource to check.
I agree there are real problems with the idea of removing verses based solely on the supposedly oldest Vatican owned manuscripts, but the more I dug into the translation issue the more I came to realize the KJV translators couldn't have done a better job than they did, but translators now can. This is because we now have access to way more ancient manuscripts of both the OT and the NT, and a bunch of other ancient Hebrew texts and ancient near east texts of related languages that allow modern translators to better understand words the KJV translators just didn't know what to do with.
I still read the KJV everyday. I just think it's irresponsible not to use the tools God has given us in this modern era to gain as much understanding as possible. Please keep researching this issue. Gail Riplinger isn't a trusted source and you really ought to investigate counter arguments by Ancient Greek and Hebrew scholars.
It is definitely a topic to still learn on indeed, I'll pray on it to the Most High, He is authority of knowledge above all things indeed and He'll reveal what I need to know when I need to know it, I still think Gail made a great presentation on the KJV, although God does says He does not suffer women to teach, there is so much I must keep in mind regarding the faith and the wisdom God wants us to have with understanding. When I get the chance, I'll check those counter arguments out, if you have any links for me, please share them, thanks in advance and for your detailed response.
Sure, I actually wrote an article here on Steemit a while back about this.
Towards the bottom there is a link to a snippet from a podcast called Canary Cry Radio where they ask Dr. Mike Heiser about the issue and his response. I actually emailed Dr. Heiser and asked him about it, and he sent me a couple of articles by Daniel Wallace, which I would be happy to share.
I don't think I have permission to post them publicly, though because one is from this book:
and the other from this journal:
But if you would like I'll email them to you. They mostly focus on the Majority Text but it's applicable to the KJV issue. You can email me at [email protected]
James White has a load of stuff on YouTube about the issue. I'm not really a fan of his style but some find it helpful.
Glad to hear you're still open to exploring both sides of the issue. Many people from either perspective are not, and often are flat out rude and dismissive toward each other. God bless, and happy reading.
Definitely open to exploring even if I have my own pre-dispositions, but I never know what I may uncover. God willing, I'm guided towards more wisdom and truth. Rudeness isn't acceptable but I can understand some people being dismissive, especially if they view it as them not personally wavering from what is based on their faith. God bless you too and appreciate your input again.