James 1:6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.
To ask in faith means believing that God is able to provide what we ask for, while we ask for it. It's an attitude of absolute assurance within us. God is pleased when we trust Him with everything concerning us. In fact, our faith doesn't just please God, it is counted as righteousness before the Almighty God(Heb.11:6, Rom.4:21-22). Are you running out of patience because your prayers are not answered? Stop wavering, focus on the Master because He's still able.
Lack of faith put us in the danger of being driven away or tossed by the wind of life. If we don't trust God for the fulfillment of His promise, we wave ourselves from the fulfillment. Cheer up and trust Him today. Nothing is too hard for the Almighty God to do. He's able to do exceeding abundantly above what we can think or imagine. His power is already working in us, thus we have the advantage.
Let's pray together.
Heavenly Father, thank you for the assurance of victory on every step we take. Please forgive us in our wavering attitude towards your promise. Help us to be focused on you no matter the storms, in Jesus name. Amen.
buen post, amigo
Anything asked with a double mind don't get done. You must see God as all sufficient and very able to grant unto you whatever it is that you are looking for without having any "what if?" thought. Faith is our only key for opening the doors of spiritual possibilities. If you want to get your prayers answered, there must be no second thought in your heart. The message is direct and inspiring. Thanks for sharing