Brother, my heart goes out to you! I’m not sure what kind of feedback you were looking for, but from watching the video, it seems like you are in a place of doing a lot of digging in and searching. I think this shows that Yahweh is pursuing you.
With all this “debating” shall we call it, going on with religion, I see a lot of people’s hearts hardening, and that is a dangerous road to go down. May we all remember that love was the greatest command and not to harden our hearts!
Right on. I believe these last couple have been very transformative for me. I have been born again for over 20 years, and now it is growing. I explain it as being a devotee of Jesus, not just a Christian.
YHWH has been calling me for a few years ..hard. What He has put on my heart is counter from what I have always known. He gave me a hard word to bring to anyone that calls on Jesus as their savior...
"He is taking us from a time of believing in Him to a time of knowing Him"
I took it as not just opening our bibles and being able to see that Jesus is real, but through devoted prayer and meditation that we will be able to connect with Him...and know Him.
When I see arguements or debate, right or wrong, tearing others down, or drawing hard heart hurts. It hurts for them all. There is more....and that is simply Jesus.....Love.