having thoughts looking into the eyes of my wife and our children

in #faith8 years ago

I wake up everyday grateful for the life god has given and the blessings but my heart aches with worry what the future holds. The things that are happening in the world today are things that are . The talk of martial law, nuclear war, major economic collapse, dollar collapse, stores closing across the entire united states, foreclosures on the rise again, student loans debt defaults, credit card debt defaults, auto debt faults, banks printing money out of thin air, food shortages when credit not paid to vendors, rioting , i can on and on. What is everyone else thinking and feeling? Have a blessed evening with your families.


Take heart and relax. Do what you can to prepare and know you have come to a good place. Steem is beautiful and it's people like you that make it that way.
matrix-red-pill.gifGreetings, @kids3dogs3. From your posts I can see you seem to be fearful about the future and have many questions about cryptocurrency. I am happy you are here and may I suggest you look at the tags (on the right hand of your screen page.) There's where you can learn about all your interests/questions and what other steemers posted. If you like what you see you can ask a question on their comments and follow them for further posts from your feed. This Quick Start Guide will help you: https://www.steemithelp.net/

@steemisbeautiful thank you very much for your reply and guidance. Have a blessed day.

I know what you mean. When we read about all the darkness going on in this world, it's real easy to feel overwhelmed. I'm a pretty sensitive person and it seems like you are, too. There's a saying that goes, "Where your attention flows, the energy goes," or something like that. So, when we're hearing about all of the terrible things that go on in this world, it's natural to feel terrible and powerless. The best thing I can do in these situations is totally unplug and not read any news, not any of it. Then, I can focus on all that is good and going well. So, I have times in my life when I don't read any of the current going ons in this world, and those times are usually peaceful. Then, I check back in with the world-reading what someone else is telling me I should be concerned about, and I feel depressed. Not sure why I keep checking back in! Curiosity, I guess. Perhaps, we've all been conditioned to look at what is wrong instead of what is right?? I can relate to how you feel is what I'm truly trying to say! Blessings to you, also.