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RE: Gratitude.....

in #faith6 years ago

Hi @justjoy, I’m the lady who drew the human butterfly sitting on the mushroom 🍄. Anyways I was drawn to checking out more about who you are. And now I know why I was compelled to know you, not only to find out what a terrific writer you are, but because you are a sister in Christ as well. So God brought me here HA HA! He will lead me to people quite often. I love your username “justjoy,” it’s got a lovely ring to it. I’m not much of a writer, but I admire greatly someone who can write as beautifully as yourself. WOW... what a terrific story you wrote. You can really paint a beautiful picture with words, just like an artist paints a picture on canvas. Your incredibly gifted, and I appreciate so much my friend, that you have used your incredible gift that God has given you, to glorify Him. I’m so blessed to have met you through the gift He so graciously has given me, my artwork. I pray that the good Lord continues to work through you and your amazing artistic talents as he brings people closer to Him. Thank you for sharing, God bless you sister ❣️😇


It is SO GOOD to connect with you and I will definitely stay in touch, read your posts. Your artwork is amazing and fun, two things I love too. But you surely can express yourself very well so don't underestimate your writing skills. Your attention to detail in your art is lovely, it is the same when you've got it.
Sisters in has a wonderful ring to it.
To God be the glory......hallelujah. He will prosper us as we dwell in his presence and rely on him to take us to people who are like minded.
My email address begins joyjumps..............I know that all my joy in this life comes from knowing him.