Faith...that you, we, or I can do a thing. The belief that you, we, or I Can't or Can...Cain or Abel...can't or able.
To pick up our own cross...our burdens...and follow "the good" example. Of what a good...child, brother, sister, son, daughter, father, mother, parent, husband, wife, or human being and spirit being is.
Wisely consider how the Messiah is called Jesus by the Catholics, Protestants, Jews, and Muslims. While others call him, Yahshua for there is no letter "J" in the Hebrew Alphabet. What then is a Jew called, one might ask...what then is in a name if each and every person privately interprets the scripture. And each sees, hears, understands, and perceives the New Wine and New Cloth differently.
None can be in fellowship if they have not an agreement on what the Truth is...and that upon the intent and context received by the Apostles. The only ones that new the Christ as the Best Man at the Feast. Calling Jesus, the Son of God the Christ, at the end of the Gospels.
All the Apostles in agreement with Peter's witness and Christ's own Testimony. Knowing upon what his Church alone is built, uncorrupted by Carnal Man and the fruit of that Tree.
Testing for what is the knowledge of the Truth, preferring not to be the ignorant fool. The fool who dares not ask, test, doubt, and question what the truth and the knowledge of it is. Believing the knowledge of the Truth of Good and Evil is the Forbidden Tree in the Garden of Eden.
Faith alone...can that make Satan, Devils, or Demons take on the appearances of an Angel of Light and God and his High Priest, the Prince of Peace, the deceived?
Can the Owner of the Flock and his Good Shepherd be deceived by Wolves in Sheep's Clothing even when washed by the Blood of the Lamb? As the Mother Church and her Daughters claim and do testify?
Having mixed together, the Old wineskin, already full, with the New Wine...and used the New Cloth as a patch for the Old Cloth destroying the New Cloth, that is whole?
What judge is deaf dumb and blind to the truth of the evidence, even if only words on the page? Three Blind Mice, see how they run..., 3 deaf, blind and dumb Monkeys sitting on a Stage.
See no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil...judging by faith alone. When Jesus the God looks and listens to the people of his religion...made perfect in every way?
Open the Book of Life...the History book, and judge the works and fruit of this religion. By the actions taken against the Jews and every other people on planet Earth. Because the New Wine was Poisoned by the addition of a single Curse.
What causes the Good Tree to become corrupt, no longer able to produce the good fruit of the Spirit or mixes the carnal with the spiritual. The Cup that is both Hot and Cold...
What does the Messiah tell you that you must do before he will call you his Brother or Sister? What does the King of Kings say to you that you must do before he will call you his Son or Daughter? Even though all are the offspring of the Deity and made in that Invisible Image...
All have been given the same breath of Life of the Spirit and all are equal in this.
So do not claim you cannot run the race and expect forgiveness for Crimes against the Jews and all of Humanity. For that is not the Actions, Works nor the good Fruit of Angels...
That know that Love fulfills all the Laws, hurts no one and is the goodwill of the God and Father of the Messiah, the Christ. The first one that the God of the Jews called his Son and his High Priest of his Church.
Even King David, yet a sinner, says that His God the Lord of Lords. Does not want sacrifices of shed blood nor burnt offerings Psalms 40:6. As does the Prophet Hosea Hosea 6:6
666, The Mark of the Beast is the Name of a Man gave to an Image, Graven ie DeaD. And it worshiped as God, the Deity, the Lord of Hosts, the Creator. And it not even the God of All Creation, but for the Romans this New God like every Old God.
Breaking all the Commandments, the Rule of Law, the Golden Rule and absent the Rod of Order... A God that wants only the shed blood of a Sacrifice in exchange for forgiveness of every Sin and Crime against Humanity.
For the worst atrocities imaginable and that to the Children, the least among you.
This claimed to be the Spirit of the Christ and of the Good Word? The Word before this God and Father, is Good, Not Bad and Evil. Unable to make good children, Men, and Women that love one another... Any God that can only produce Evil is Evil, not Good.
"A Good Tree produces good fruit..."