Imagine reading the Gospels But on every page, all you read were the words "Grace Only", over and over and over again

in #faith6 years ago

Imagine reading the Gospels according to the Messiah, the high priest know today as Jesus the Christ. But on every page, all you read were the words "Grace Only", over and over and over again.

Or if in the Story of Adam and Eve, Satan told Adam that no matter what he did to Eve, all his Sins were forgiven, and Satan said the same thing to Eve.

No Fear of Consequence... Like the corrupt Christians that do not obey the Laws, We the People have put in place to Govern those in the Government. Restricting their Powers. So they are not fully corrupted by that power.

Like some Monarchy, Dictatorship, or self-appointed Ruling Class. That have exalted themselves over We the People, in the Land of Equality, where everyone is believed to be equal. With none above the rule of Law.

Which then is true, Grace Only or the Rule of Law, Governs the Governed and those in the Government? A Few, self-indulgence, self-serving, self-centered, selfish people that look down their noses, as the Lords and Ladies, Priest and Preachers of Europe did, upon the peasant Class.

Telling the Peasants that God was in control as the corrupt stole everything the peasants had, along with their women and children. Abused and sold into slavery by those they were forced to serve.

Something the Founders and signers of the Declaration and fled Christianity and its Perverse form of the Churches of England, Italy and Spain. That had created the Inquisition and the Witch hunts...

Was that the Will of God of the Messiah, that had given the Golden Rule and Love thy Neighbor as thyself as the Goodwill of His God?

A Church with its version/Interpretation, that everything bad and evil that the Ruling Class did to the Ruled Class was the Goodwill of God? And not anti the teachings of the Messiah, therefore, the desires of the Carnal Minded Ruling Class using Jesus and His God as chains upon the Minds and Hearts of the People. Keeping them in bondage.

Something the Founders and Masons, not Free Masons mind you, had rejected hat in hand.

As a Child, which would you and do you prefer? Good Parents judged by their works/actions or those that claim Grace only, that no matter what they do to you or your sibling, or the children of other parents? They that believe they are Special and are already forgiven, God and accessory turning a blind eye to them and their victims even if children.

Having no fear of God or the Consequences of Karma, Cause, and Effect or the Rod of the Rule of Law.

What does the Messiah preach to the People by what his Apostles wrote down in the Gospels... Grace Only by Faith only, is this the definition of what a good parent is? Forgiven id they do not care for their children? A Man that does not love his wife and beats her is a Good Man?

Is that how Jesus or his God judges a man, by his faith and not by his actions, how he treats his wife and the children?

According to them that claim to know the God, they call Jesus, that has no God no Law no rules no commands or a Father, a Prince without a King but is a Jesus with the Priesthood for his Holy Fathers and a Mother that is the Queen of Heaven, that he stands beside. That is how Jesus, the God judges a Man.

That is the God that Protestants took from, from that tree they took to get their Interpretation of their Religion.

Both versions of Jesus the God, the Founders such as Geoge Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin rejected. Preferring the Masons as their Interpretation. The one that Believes in the Rule of Law and Good defines what Good is and that by how we treat one another.

Otherwise, America would have been just as Lawless and Corrupt as ever Europe was and still is. With a Ruling class that serves themselves and treated the Ruled as Cattle. To be Used like any other commodity sent into Battle in Foreign wars of Conquest and then thrown away, disposable, having no real value.

Their definition of Holy and sacred was their Religion and not the People or the Children it was supposed to serve.


Yes, we're saved by grace alone but we should live lives that are holy and obedient to God. I've tried explaining this to you over and over and over again yet you refuse to understand.

How is it different in America Today than what you just described? Ill wait.