Very Fake News or how Donald Trump Junior promotes a new hashtag

in #fake8 years ago

Very Fake News tshirt#VeryFakeNews... its the latest hashtag to take over the internet after Donald Trump Junior dramatically took to twitter to point the finger of suspicion towards the media. The famous son of the newly inaugurated president appeared on twitter sporting a and a message to #MSM [mainstream media].

faek news.jpg

'Very Fake News' #veryfakenews

Various twitter users have took it upon themselves to find a more artistic way to express themselves regarding Very Fake News hashtag...



We're not sure where Donald Trump Jr is getting 10,000 tshirts printed but there's already numerous Very Fake News Shirts already for sale on the internet!

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Note: The author does not necessarily agree or disagree with the political theme of these shirts, they are simply reporting on the t-shirt phenomenon.


Who are the users you are linking to? They don't exist on Steemit so adding @ in front of their name is pointless. :P