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RE: The Federal Government Fakenewsd Hawaii

in #fakenews7 years ago (edited)

Ok. Here is an idea. Suppose this is another instance of Mandela Effect. The Mandela Effect is that thing that everyone remembers, but doesn't turn out to be true. For example, in the James Bond movie, Jaws gets a girlfriend named Dolly. Most people remember with great certainty that she also had braces, like Jaws. But this turns out NOT to be so. Ed Dames, the CIA remote viewer instructor, has claimed that the crash at Roswell was TRUE, but that aliens went back in time and erased all physical evidence of the crash. That is how many witnesses remember it, but can't produce any physical evidence. So, along these lines, could it be that Hawaii was actually nuked by North Korea, but then some space command boys went back in time, and stopped it from happening -- only they forgot to prevent the cell phone emergency alert. Did our timeline fork again?


Whaaaat? Say whaaaat !?! That is some more triPpy stuff. Maybe..............

@chuckjordan - the Mandela effect, from what I see, is bad memory backed by poor education and the arrogance to not accept a person got something wrong. I was interested in it when I first heard about it, and then I learned that the city I grew up in was never the capital of Australia, that countries were in the wrong positions and that history I knew was, apparently, no longer history. I laughed. Korea too far north? Still on the 38th Parallel, lol. The capital of Australia was Sydney. Or Melbourne, or Perth, or that other city I can't remember the name of that is somewhere, but definitely not Canberra. Australia too far North and NZ too far south? Our flaora and fauna do not reflect this, in fact, they say we are about where we should be.

So, in short, I do not believe it was an accidental mistake at all. But I believe that is more likely than the Mandela Effect.

And please, don't tell me I am from this time line and do not understand. When most of the effect is so easily debunked I do not even have to think about things, it is patently false. Looney TOONS? Nope. Only in the States is TUNE pronounced TOON. In most of the ENglish speaking world it is TYUNE. And Looney TYUNES is what it was.

Dolly not having braces though, that is the one that I am stumped on as I could have sworn she had braces, that was the joke. However, it is the only one.

Yeah Dolly's got me too as I swear I remember braces. VW's emblem had me also as I grew up driving them. A 71 bug and a 74 ghia and neither to my memories had a separation in the letters but hey I was young back then and into many things............

Take Richard Nixon, for example. I grew up remembering him to be the worst president. Corrupt. Nasty. Evil. But now, in 2018, Nixon seems to have some honorable qualities I admire such as not trying to enrich himself while in office or never, ever working with Russians against the USA.

Tricky Dicky was only held in contempt for his role in the cover up of Watergate. He was never truly reviled. A really bad example. And Hillary is the only presedential contender I can think of who has actually worked with Russia against the USA.