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RE: Fake News Targeted for 'National Security' Reasons

in #fakenews8 years ago

Perhaps if the education system wasn't such garbage in the US "fake news" wouldn't be an issue. People could just use the classic filter for "fake news", THEIR BRAINS! Of course the establishment has carefully cultivated their hoards of mindless zombies willing to do and repeat anything they are told like trained parrots. Can't have anyone teaching them bad words or else they might go and repeat them!


While the school system is surely a big factor, if people want to destroy Obamacare and love ACA and don't know those two are the same things, then no school in the world can cure that ignorance.

That is the real solution that I have previously covered as well. Instead of getting people to learn to discern... no... filter the information for us according to the "rules" set forth... lol. Thanks for the feedback.