
Sufficiently debunked though... we each subjectively determine what we consider to be sufficient. Yet, that is all we can do.

I'm a former munitions weenie from my days in the military.
I have a vauge idea how things that go boom work.
The truthers apparently don't.
So why should I bother with them?

maybe so.
My point is...I read enough about a subject to get a feel for it and those talking about it.
I make a decision based on my research.

As to 9-11 truth where the derogatory use of the term Truther seems to have originated. I tend to like the studies by Architects and Engineers for 9-11 truth, but most of the other theories tend to have a shit load of speculation.

Knowing how things go boom doesn't really explain WTC Building 7. That one is the most dicey example from that day.

The TRUTHERS you refer to are not truthers if they don't want to hear the truth.

I like the alien death ray explanation. Like in Independence day that would be about how much credibility I assign to those people.

Your milage may vary.. about the reaction-less space drive currently being tested by NASA and the Chineese Current experimentation reveals a push an order of magnitude GREATER than a solar sail.



Either one has the potential to change everything.
There is a LOT of new stuff happening that I want to know about. I have only so much time in the day. I have to decide what I will spend it on.
I try to avoid foolish nonsense.

Heheh... I have a lot of things I am doing as well. I can relate.

But what if someone spends years of their life, digging really, really deeply only to come to the conclusions it's BS? If they then choose to not engage further on that topic, they are criticized for not having an open mind. That's kind of silly to me. At some point we do have to move on and not everyone has years and years to really dig deeply into something only to find there's not much there.

I fear there may be no balance. It might be tribalism all the way.

Both of you could be right. There definitely does seem to be quite a bit of tribalism.

How often is something TOTALLY B.S.? I tend to see more shades of gray than black and white. It can be that MOST of what you studied was B.S.... yet there could have been parts that is true. I find that absolutes usually are not true. There of course are exceptions.

So the journey to learn something can be important and can offer perceptions at truth you might not have seen from another angle. They can likewise conceal truth.

I tend to not close my mind to new information. The key though is whether it is NEW information or not.

Hearing things I dislike or disagree with and then going NAH NAH NAH could make me miss the only new information that was there.

Kind of like information prospecting... gotta throw out the junk rock to find the good ore. Yet if all I do is look and see only the junk rock, how can I ever find the good ore?

I also wasn't planning on writing another article about it. I don't plan things like that. This unfortunately does not stop life and people from dragging me back into it. :)

I did not target ANY particular news in the article. I leave that for people to decide for themselves.