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RE: Fake News Targeted for 'National Security' Reasons

in #fakenews8 years ago

Terrific article, @krnel. Sobering. With our Bell Pottinger experience in South Africa (UK based PR firm coined the term White Monopoly Capital on behalf of the Gupta family who have a small project to capture our state, then caused the term to spread like wildfire through social media - Twitter bot accounts), we should pay attention to the outcomes of this project.


Thanks, I see you've had your experience with it ;)

And we're suffering the downgrades to show for it! :-(

I agree their needs to be a change, not to sound like politician but I think the change we desperately need is education. With education people can learn values and will so be able to differentiate between what is right and what is wrong, or on this topic what is news and what is fake... that is just my thoughts