Yup, it's a false dichotomy in that sense, since they just expect everyone to believe the appeal to authority of "experts". Until they start treating us with respect to give us the information, then thing might change. But blind obedience is what is expected from many, scientists and regular people who buy into it. I accept man-made CO2 and the problems with it. But as I have said in comments on other posts, and my own posts, there is more going on the climate change than simply CO2.
As my post later today will show some more issues that are clearly being ignored by the scientific community, and that is of the chemicals we create that we poison ourselves with, and all the pollution we create. C02 is the big hype and buzz, and everything else is being ignore so we can keep killing ourselves slowly and tax the fuck out of everyone for carbon... oy... And yeah, if you don't go along with, then you're a denier. Thanks for the feedback.