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RE: FakeNews is the FakeNews: It's a Smokescreen to Discredit Truth

in #fakenews8 years ago

Insightful points.

When I lived in Mexico there was a major news story in the US about a swine flu epidemic in Mexico that happened to first get reported the moment Obama flew back from Mexico City after a meeting with Mexican President Calderon. Literally every major news station reported it while Obama was still in flight.

Here's the thing. There was no epidemic. Zip, nada, no known cases. That didn't stop the networks from insisting there was an epidemic to the point of closing all airport flights from the US to Mexico for three weeks.

The swine flu vaccine that was immediately available in the US saw its stock price shoot up 738%.

I was in the tourism business there and for three weeks saw no Americans as they could not enter Mexico, but when I asked the other tourists from Canada, Europe, Asia and everywhere else in the world if they were concerned about the swine flu they all answered the same way. "What swine flu?', they said.

It seems only the United States reported the story like it was a life and death situation yet they still let Obama fly to Mexico. No one else in the world heard a thing about it. Investors in the swine flu vaccine made millions on a story that wasn't true at all.

My point is that even the major news networks report fake news as if it's true and I have come to realize that the louder and faster a story is parroted in the MSM the more likely it's not true at all. Fake news by the main stream media is just another way to control, decieve, convince and deflect the population from discovering the truth.