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RE: Fake News, not as new as you would think.

in #fakenews7 years ago

When I was still in college, studying journalism, I had one AWESOME teacher. He used to tell us this: "Journalists are all prostitutes in a way." And: "You won't get paid to write what you believe. Nor should you believe what you write." I read the same lines in a Stephen King story: The Night Flier. "You should never believe what you write and never write what you believe." And even then, I was too conditioned to realize what he meant. Until I started working as a journalist... I quit for a long time. Suddenly I understood. And my teacher? People used to talk and say that he failed as a journalist and that was why he was teaching. Now I see it differently. He quit the business and found a way to stay true to himself and tell the truth. Needless to say: a lot of students thought he was crazy. I'm quite sure that most of them know better now...


If it was the truth in 1915 when that book was published you can bet that the game hasnt changed.
Rich people do everything they can to stay rich.

Its us that thinks this is something new, when its as old as the first two guys that decided farming the neighbors was easier than farming the land.