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RE: CNN #FakeNews Amanpour Challenged to Interview Aleppo Boy's Father

in #fakenews7 years ago

Yikes! This is ridiculous. She needs to leave that boy alone. If the family supports the Syrian government or not that baby was still but in a horrific experience and many more babies as well. It's disgusting how they try to come at us from every angle with #fakenews


I agree! Not only do they come at you with #fakenews but they don't retract their statements after making an error. If you find the actual interview with the father and son, you will hear that the father clearly says there were NO planes when the bombs hit, so it came from ground fighting. So the Russian bombers were not at fault as the MSM reported. Where is the retraction and apology? Pure propoganda at its best, I'm afraid. Thanks for the comment.