I hate these politicians. They constantly pander to the lowest common denominator. ALL racial supremacy is repulsive. For that matter, what about the islamic ideology which is bigoted at its core and believes muslims are superior to all others and are allowed to do many things against their "rules" to non-muslims because they are considered inferior?
Marco Rubio is a twat. His parents never fully assimilated and Marco has consistently been on the side of foreigners coming in to steal American jobs. I consider him un-American and someone that should never be elected to office.
As for Ms. Ileana, who I have no idea who she even is, is she mentally retarded, emotionally disturbed? Is she just really not that bright and does not see that BLM and antifa are hate groups every bit as much as KKK (laughable because their numbers are so paltry) or the Nazis? If she wants to rail about supremacy groups, does she also rail about "La Raza" (meaning "The race" which are racist hispanics clamining racial superiority), or Black Panters and BLM whose members are on tape saying they think white people should be wiped off the face of the earth? One of them was an elementary school teacher! Is this the sort of racist trash we want teaching our kids paid for with our tax dollars? Sorry to tell these morons, but racists come in all colors.
This country is over 70% WHITE. Yet, the white on black and brown crime statistics show that whites are usually on the recieving end of the crime by the minorities. Many whites are also legal gun owners. If the white people in this country were the real problem, it would be obvious. Instead, looking at the statistics where you see who is committing the crime and attacking who, it's the minorities usually attacking the whites. Who's the racist? Hmmm..
Seriously, the white majority must wake up and stand up and take our country back. We don't mind if other races live here and are willing to treat them equally; however, we should not allow these racist minorities to browbeat us and drive us in a corner and stomp on us like doormats.
By the way, being a racist isn't illegal. What is illegal is assaulting people and trying to take away their rights because you don't like what they believe. As long as the racist is not committing an illegal act, they are free to bask in their own ignorance. The real criminals are the ones on the left. I hope this sort of behavior starts getting punished with substantial prison time. It is contrary to the open society and freedoms that we hold dear. When you are afraid of being attacked walking down the street because someone may not like what you think or the color of your skin or a t-shirt you are wearing, we may as well be living in the nazzi germany that the left keeps telling us that it hates.... uh huh. Then why do they act just like them?