Date: March 9th, 2017 ..
Location: Super 8 Motel
BUSTED: Trump campaign chair caught in a motel room with an underage boy
To all you Trump supporters out there 'still' spamming about Pizzagate, trying to sell it as proof that "Liberals are Evil!" ; you need to rethink things, and quickly. This is not about right-n-left, spending-vs-fiscal responsibility, gun rights-vs-powerlessness .. what is about is power, more obvious with each passing day, is the relatively-powerless-citizens vs the gangsters-in-power. These gangsters sit on both sides of the isle, and they are all of the same mindset - VIP BITCHES!
Plebian .. bordering on Slave
The average Roman citizen was known as a plebian, compared to slaves their lives were quite good, but they could not hope to rise above their class, not without the substantial good favor from those above. The Patricians had a lock on most institutions, so the Plebs were the farmers, craftsmen, and of course soliders that defended those above .. they were the working class victims of a system that favored, in a very obvious way, those on the top eschelons.
Now, slaves .. well, they had no rights at all, and were abused at random .. like this young man was, in a dirty road side motel, by a senator .. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT FLAVOR OF SENATOR, THEY ARE PART OF THE SAME GANG!