Either way it misses the point. I'm explaining all sides of the discussion on the topic. There are people calling it slander and libel and others claiming it is truth.
This is a binary. These claims either are true, in which case they are not slander or libel, or they are untrue in which case they are slander or libel or perhaps both.
I'm not taking a stance, I'm explaining that it's a viral topic and the virulence is due to what I'm calling a "faceback" bubble.
The algorithms that are weighting this information and making decisions about what to curate and what not to curate are doing so based not on the veracity of the claims, nor the integrity of the authors, but on the potential to make money from eyeballs and page views.
This is the problem I'm calling out and the only one that I'm really addressing. The way to solve this is to unplug the mic. Agreed though that I worded it strangely and it could be read in a couple of ways.