Falling Shadows Ch 2 Part 2

in #falling-shadows8 years ago

Chapter 2 Part 2

Kyy slid through the gap he had made and walked out into the night, leaving the stable door slightly ajar. The rain had turned to steady drizzle, but Kyy barely noticed. His attention was wholly focused on something incredible. The cause of the noise was immediately apparent, yet completely inexplicable. In the sky filled with storm clouds was a huge sphere of light. The energy inside seemed to swirl and move constantly and was more concentrated toward the centre. About the edges, the dark clouds reflected the light as if reflecting a perpetual lightning flash. The clouds shimmered all around the great sphere, creating a magical effect that Kyy could only stare at, completely awe-struck.  Kyy realized that it must be lightning energy making up this swirling vortex but had never even heard of anything like it before. He was unsure of how long he stood there before he sensed a presence behind him. 

As he slowly and reluctantly moved his gaze away from the phenomenon in the sky he was surprised to see the foal standing behind him. His natural instinct was to pick him up and bring him back into the stables, yet the urge to remain was somehow overpowering. Ealdar and Ghia both came only a few feet outside the stable door before they too were frozen to the spot. The young foal, however, was walking and even starting to run in short bursts around the yard. Kyy now stood about twenty paces from the stable with Ealdar and Ghia at the door.  Kyy returned his gaze to the vortex. As he did, a huge flash of lightning exploded from the core, as loud and powerful as the strike had been in the stables. 

Kyy was forced to turn away and he held his hand over his eyes. The flash drowned out the world in white light and noise. Then the strange feeling returned; that of an ageless wisdom, everywhere and nowhere at once. This feeling lingered, as the light faded. Kyy was once again able to focus on the spiraling sphere above, which revealed a more wondrous spectacle than he could have ever dreamed. Within the vortex three forms flew and interacted with astonishing speed and grace. Kyy immediately understood what he was seeing. After a few moments two of the shapes seemed to merge back into the light, while the remaining figure glided majestically down to earth.  The world had gone still and was completely quiet as the dragon descended gracefully and landed in the yard. The dragon was enormous, as big as ten horses; its great muscled frame glistened in the light from the vortex. 

It seemed as black as pitch until its whole body would shimmer in a wave of electric blue energy, illuminating subtle blues, greens and reds, within a scaled skin like black polished marble. The dragon’s head, like the rest of its body, was sleek and powerful. His electric blue eyes were incandescent and mesmerizing. The dragon folded its huge dark wings elegantly by its side. The calming whispers that had existed within Kyy since the first lightning blast were energies from the dragon and all the sensations that had been so familiar, yet indefinable, were the same feelings he had experienced at the lake. A mixture of doubt, disbelief and shock had obscured the truth until now, but he knew that once more, he was in the presence of pure spirit, manifested in its earthly form.  

Kyy watched, oblivious to the dragon’s intentions. It slowly turned to the foal. The young horse was still moving around the yard, seemingly unaware of what now stood only a few feet away. It turned to face the dragon a hundred times its size, yet did not seem frightened. The dragon’s head was inches from that of the foal now, who stood like a solitary star against the blackest of nights. The eyes of the great being grew even brighter as it focused on the foal. Then the dragon breathed in, a massive inhalation that captured the energy from all around so that the world just faded away. It held its breath before opening its jaws. As the dragon exhaled it began to slowly fade into an intense blue mist. As it disappeared completely the cloud of blue lingered, hovering in the dragon’s place. 

The young horse then noticeably began to inhale, and as it did the intense mist passed first into the body of the foal then surrounded the animal so he was obscured from view.  Kyy stood, astonished and helpless. All he could do was to stare in wonder at what was happening. The blue cloud flickered and flashed; a miniature thunderstorm only a few feet away. Time became distorted as it continued to pulsate with surreal intensity. 

Kyy never knew how long he stood there for. Eventually the blue mist contracted, and disappeared into the foal. The newborn horse then exhaled the electric plume, which flashed and crackled as the form of the dragon again emerged. As the great being fully reformed, the foal seemed to lose his balance and collapsed to its knees. Kyy tried to step forward, but his stride was checked as the dragon spread its massive wings and with one huge beat took to the air. Again the world froze, this time leaving only Kyy and the dragon. 

The reassuring sense that filled Kyy as an indistinguishable energy suddenly took voice.  ‘I know you, as you know me. We exist together on a level of consciousness that you can touch, but not fully inhabit. This is where we belong, but for now we are apart. I am in the land, the skies, the distant stars and the great ocean. Your gift of spirit is strong, but one more gift I shall give you - a star to help light your path. True power, comes always from within. It is a light that can never dwindle once ignited. Remember that.’  In an instant the world rushed back and time resumed. Blue light burned behind the dragon’s eyes as it soared with great speed into the night, returning to the vortex that still blazed in the sky. The black form lingered for a brief moment then merged with the light, and both vanished. Seconds later the low rumble faded, leaving the world in silence.   

Kyy regained his composure, and was released from the dragon’s hold. He ran to the foal, who still lay unmoving on the ground. Ealdar was by his side almost instantly. Ghia also joined them and now nuzzled close to the newborn. The contrast of the horses was now as vivid as night and day. Where before the foal had shared the white colouration of Ghia, he now lay as black as shadow stone. With encouragement from his mother the young colt stirred and raised his head. It was the most striking sight. The head was completely black save for a three-pointed star of white. It ran in a thin line from his forehead and split beneath his eyes, then stretched to either side of his face. Then there were those remarkable eyes. Before they had been green; now two electric blue lights stared back, bright and alive with energy.   

‘He has the eyes of the dragon,’ Kyy said, and in that moment realized the foal was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.   Within seconds the foal gathered his strength and stood effortlessly, revealing the rest of his body which was now completely black, except for the white star on his forehead and the white tip on his tail. It was as if the blackness had washed over him, leaving only a remnant of his former colour.  'I never believed I would witness such a thing.' Ealdar’s bemused whisper barely escaped his lips as he led Ghia toward the stable. The foal followed behind, as did Kyy.   

'He spoke to me, Grandfather… before he flew away… he… he told me things. I heard a voice during the storm and it became clear after...'   'After he bestowed your horse with his power,' said Ealdar.  Kyy had not yet considered the true implications of what he had just witnessed, but his grandfather’s words made it clear. His foal was a Hybridia. He looked upon the colt, which happily made his way into the stables. The power of the dragon had dwelt for a time in every fibre of the foal's being and it was this abundance of energy that transformed the horse’s appearance to more accurately reflect that of the dragon.   'We have much to discuss,' Ealdar said, 'but first we must tend to the horses.'   

Ealdar and Kyy returned each of the horses to their stalls. These simple routine tasks helped to ground Kyy as he worked laying fresh hay, refilling water troughs and putting food out before returning to the end of the stables. There in the lantern light they could see the beauty of the foal more clearly. From a distance he appeared jet black; it was only up very close that the subtlety of his coat became apparent. When the light caught the coat it shimmered, revealing deep shades of many colours. Then they vanished as quickly as they had come. It was as if the coat was alive and the colours were not permanent, but energies dancing across a black canvas. This, combined with his blue eyes, made him look like a truly magical creature. Kyy described his experience to Ealdar as they both stared at the young horse, who was now relaxed and comfortable beside his mother.  'I was aware of a presence once I entered the stables, but because so much was happening I was not sure exactly what it was I was sensing.’  

'You are privileged indeed to have encountered such beings on more than one occasion' said Ealdar. 'You say the dragon spoke to you. What did he say?'   'The dragon told me that he was giving me a gift, a star to help guide the way.'   'Clearly you both will have a journey to make,’ remarked Ealdar.  'He also told me that true power comes from within.'  'An eloquent statement. There is no doubt the dragons are wondrous beings and there is now much for us to consider, Kyy. At this time, however, we are in no hurry; it will be months before your horse can be ridden, even though I expect his strength will be great. I am intrigued as to what abilities he will possess once he has matured, for I’ve never heard of a Lightning Hybridia before. This is truly amazing.  ‘There will be much more training to challenge you now. You intended to join the Scouts, and that, I am sure, is still your goal. Like your father you will become a Storm Scout, for you, more than any other, are suited, and it would appear destined, to such things. Your Hybridia is born of storms, and you must learn all the skills that enhance your gifts and his. Whatever path fate intends for you, I promise that you will receive every advantage I can offer, and be more than adequately equipped in every way possible, before leaving here.'  

Calm descended at last on the Thoria Stables, and the sky was now clear and silent.  'Everything is done here and we must leave. It is time for us to retire for the night,' said Ealdar as he looked around the stables.  Kyy was reluctant to go, and could not take his eyes off the colt; his mind was a haze with everything he had experienced and thoughts of the future. Ealdar noticed his grandson’s unease and spoke lovingly.   ‘Whatever is to come will pass in time, for now though there is only peace and little to worry on. Think not of the future, but be content in each moment and the weight of the world will be lifted, you have much to be grateful for.'  

Kyy was very grateful for Ealdar’s company and words. 'Thank you Grandfather, you are right, I’m just so confused. ‘  'A good night’s sleep and the morning sun will clear you head,’ Ealdar smiled. 'Let us go.'   'Let me say goodnight, I have named my new friend.’  Kyy approached the horses and gently stroked Ghia as Ealdar watched on closely.  He then put his hand on the foal and immediately felt the energy as he looked into those eyes. Like being caught in a miniature tornado, emotions, energy and light abounded.   ‘You and I will be together for a long time.’ he said. ‘Before all else you are my friend. I am thankful beyond words for your presence. You are a star for me… my Shadow Star.’ The foal nuzzled close to Kyy and lay down to sleep.   'Shadow Star has the right idea,’ Ealdar said with smiling eyes. His arm enveloped his grandson and they walked back to the house.  

Kyy feared he would never be able to rest, but once in his room, the long day immediately took hold of him, and he fell straight to sleep.