Falling Shadows Ch 3 Part 1

in #falling-shadows9 years ago


The morning sun rose swift and bright and when Kyy awoke the sky was clear and with a sharpness of blue that called attention to the heavens as if its colour carried voice. He got out of bed and moved closer to the window. The yard and buildings were largely unaffected by the storm, save for bits of debris that had been scattered in random patterns on the ground and some rather large muddied puddles.

His excitement, which had been bubbling beneath the surface, now exploded as he caught sight of the stables. He quickly dressed and bounded down the stairs.  As Kyy expected, Ealdar was already up and preparing breakfast. He was, however, surprised to see the table partially covered with books, papers and documents.  ‘Ah there you are, we have an interesting time ahead of us,' said Ealdar as Kyy made his way to the door.  

‘I’m going to see Shadow Star.’  ‘Of course, but first sit with me for a moment and have some breakfast.’  Kyy reluctantly took a seat opposite his grandfather and watched him closely. There was a book entitled Laws of Calbura on his left, and another called The History of War on his right. Kyy enjoyed reading but did not believe he would favour these kinds of books.   Ealdar brought Kyy a large bowl of porridge with cinnamon, honey and nuts mixed in and then started to prepare a plate of cold meats and bread. Kyy felt that this was rather too much food for one meal, and as if sensing his grandson's reservations Ealdar spoke. 

 'A Storm Scout must distinguish himself in every aspect of his life. I told you last night that I would aid you as best I can in your journey, so this morning we have a number of things to discuss.  ‘First, you need to be aware of the government, laws and history of this land. These things you will learn gradually once you join the Scouts and progress through the ranks. Wood Scouts have little need for the politics of Calbura, as their jobs are quite limited. With the progression from Wood Level to Forest Level a Scout has a greater need for such knowledge, but it is not until one becomes a Wind Scout that this information becomes essential and only very accomplished Forest Scouts will be eligible. I plan to educate you to the point of Wind Level and prepare you for the Storm Trials.’  

This was a lot to take in, and before Kyy had time to consider the Storm Trials, Ealdar continued.   ‘Secondly, I see the look of confusion as to why I am preparing such a large meal for you. You are a young man now Kyy, not fully matured, but that time is near. You will need to be strong to ride Shadow Star and have the physical and mental fortitude to handle the arduous demands of a being a Scout. I intend for you to be as well prepared as possible for these challenges. You will have to improve your strength and power and also be trained to use a range of weapons. You are already an accomplished rider and your skill with a play sword is good; you will need however to excel in both areas.  ‘Despite your personal feelings about war, as a Storm Scout you will be central to the manoeuvres of the Calbura Guard Commanders if ever a conflict arises. As Storm Scouts are revered and held in the highest esteem you will be able to influence such events positively. This morning I sent a message to an old friend who, when the time is right, will join us to help in your training. You will be a formidable warrior, Kyy. Train your mind and body, improve your strength of movement and power of thought and there will be nothing you cannot achieve. Now eat up, we have a very busy day ahead.’  As Kyy ate he looked through another book that sat in the middle of the table, entitled Holozee: The Forgotten Mountain City. From what Kyy remembered, this city had once been a very important cultural and trading city but had been completely destroyed over one hundred years ago.

Kyy seemed to recall rumours that a small village still remained, but nobody could prove its existence. From Holozee many important discoveries in technology and education had been born. This book claimed that the destruction of this influential city and its inhabitants had set back Calbura’s development by more than a century.  Kyy flicked through the book, interested in its contents, but was preoccupied with finishing his breakfast and going out to the stables. Ealdar smiled as Kyy wolfed down the last of the meat and bread. He too, was eager to see the foal and Ghia once again, but was trying to stay focused in front of Kyy. 

He knew they were undertaking a challenge unlike any other. Though he had helped train Tremor, this foal’s powers would be very different. Ealdar prided himself on his husbandry skills and was prepared for all eventualities with the horses he used, but Hybridia were extremely powerful and one so young might be hard to control.  It was exciting for Ealdar and it made him feel challenged and invigorated, something he did not experience much these days. He needed, however, to remain calm for Kyy’s sake, and for fear of them both getting carried away. 

The sun was bright and the sky was dotted with cumulus clouds, which drifted through the sky with a lazy elegance. For Kyy, the walk across the yard felt as though he was walking a tightrope, as nervousness and anticipation built. Every step sent chills up and down his spine and his skin prickled. He could feel the energy of the foal as Ealdar opened the stable doors and as soon as they swung open, the feeling of excitement overwhelmed him and he ran to the end of the stables.  The black foal stood resolute and strong, his left foot pounding the floor and his electric-blue eyes piercing the world. 

Ealdar opened the large wooden door after joining Kyy and then let the other horses out into the paddock. Some seemed curious about the new arrival, but were all eager to get out into the open air and grass, which had been invigorated by the waters of the thunderstorm. When all the animals had left, save for Ghia and Shadow Star, Ealdar joined Kyy and they watched the new foal intently. Both Ghia and her foal seemed completely fine and Ealdar decided it would be good for them to be out in the paddock to give them a chance to stretch their legs. Kyy released the latch on the door and led the two horses outside.   

Shadow Star's beauty was truly breathtaking and, once revealed in the sunshine, the light made his coat shine like black crystal as he strode confidently into the paddock. He came back to Kyy and nuzzled in close as Kyy stroked him gently. The bond between them was already very strong and Kyy could easily sense how the foal was feeling. Shadow Star then turned and started to play in the paddock, running, bounding and revelling in the freedom of new adventure. Kyy watched as a parent would watch a child, happy and content.  Ealdar, however, looked on with a more observant and expert eye, and was amazed at the speed and agility of the day-old foal. Shadow Star galloped the perimeter almost as fast as the thoroughbreds; he could change direction in a heartbeat and bound as effortlessly as a stag. 

This continued until Shadow Star stopped by the fence and stared out across the plains. Something had caught his eye and seemed to intrigue him. He wanted to get over to the other side and investigate but the fence was too high to jump.  The colt stared at the fence with a measured focus then cantered around in a large circle as if preparing to jump. Ealdar knew that only the best of his stallions could clear the fence but through much conditioning they would only attempt the jump with a rider. These were fully grown horses and well trained. There was no way in his mind that a foal - even a Hybridia foal - could clear the perimeter fence and the mere fact that Shadow Star was attempting it impressed Ealdar. The foal accelerated quickly toward the fence but at the point where he should have jumped, he instead slid to a halt. Ealdar was astounded with the determination of this foal.  

At that moment Kyy began to feel anxious and uncomfortable. Shadow Star seemed to lose patience and was agitated by his failure to clear the obstacle. He began to stomp his front hooves methodically on the ground, becoming increasingly more frantic and generating more and more energy. Ealdar’s smile was cut short when he saw how Kyy’s demeanour was changing. Sweat was collecting on his brow and he was swaying almost imperceptibly in one place. He was pale, distracted and clearly being directly affected by Shadow Star. Even from a reasonable distance Kyy could feel the energy build within himself somehow. He then saw Shadow Star's eyes glow an even brighter blue and his small body shudder.   There was a flash, and a wave of electricity passed over the foal. His black coat now shimmered with electric blue and white energy, and before Kyy had time to consider what was happening, Shadow Star had cleared the fence and had disappeared in the long grass of the plains. Ealdar and Kyy were completely astonished. The discomfort that was building in Kyy dissipated immediately and they ran to the gate side by side.  

Ealdar quickly undid the lock and as they strode on to the plains Shadow Star appeared out of the long grass and came trotting up the meadow, thoroughly satisfied. He went immediately to Kyy, who stroked his head and back. The electric energy was still visible and flashed sporadically through his coat and when Ealdar went to touch the young horse he received a small but painful shock.   ‘That’s extraordinary,’ said Ealdar, grimacing slightly. ‘The electric power has no direct effect on you, yet you were affected by Shadow Star’s abilities. Whatever it is that binds you is indeed very powerful. He’s a remarkable specimen, I’ve never seen anything like that before.’  Kyy realized then that he was more intrinsically linked with Shadow Star than he could have imagined Not only was he in tune on a mental level, able as he was to sense the foal’s mood, but also on a physical level, he was able to tolerate the electric energy generated by Shadow Star.    

The rest of the day Kyy spent enjoying the beautiful spring weather and the interaction between Shadow Star and the rest of the herd. His confidence and general manner seemed to have a positive effect on the other horses and he was settling in very well. Kyy helped Ealdar with the daily chores such as feeding and watering the animals, and some minor repair work, before eating a rather large lunch.  Feeding the horses was an easy job as a clever system Ealdar had invented provided an efficient way to distribute the animal feed which supplemented their diet. The feed was stored in large towers, which were connected by a chute to feeder on the ground. By pulling a lever Kyy or Ealdar could release as much feed as was required. Shadow Star was intrigued by the reaction of the horses and of the noise made by the feed as it tumbled into the trough. He was, however, unimpressed with the taste, preferring his mother’s milk, which he consumed in copious amounts.   

In late afternoon as the sun turned from intense yellow to a softer red, painting glorious pictures in the sky, the horsemen led their animals back to the security of the stables. Kyy again was reluctant to leave his companion but eventually said his goodbyes and went back to the farmhouse with his grandfather. Ealdar instructed Kyy to wash some vegetables for the evening meal while he prepared some meat and placed it in the stove.  

A door by the kitchen, beautifully carved with images of animals and nature, opened to a stairs that led down to the cellar.  Once they had finished preparing the food Ealdar beckoned Kyy to follow him through this decoratively carved door. Kyy assumed he needed help bringing something up from the cellar and so followed without thought. He had been in this room many times before; it was a fairly large space and kept relatively tidy. On one wall there were various bottles of wine stacked to the ceiling on wooden shelves. There were a number of chests on the opposite side, pushed up against the wall. Some contained books, others were filled with garments and ornaments long out of favour. 

On the back wall hung a coat of arms, which Kyy had always liked. It was a blue horse standing on its hind legs, facing a red wolf. Behind them were many black trees, set against a white field.  When he was younger he had always thought it was a real shield. He knew his grandfather had once been a soldier and assumed that it was his. Kyy walked over to the coat of arms to examine it more closely; the picture was a mural rather than an actual shield. Kyy had known this for some time but only now really looked at it. Ealdar watched as Kyy stood at eye level with the picture. Kyy was impressed with the clarity and detail of the mural, and then he noticed something strange in one of the trees. 

There was a small hole on the tree trunk, only barely visible from very close. As he turned to Ealdar to ask what it was, his grandfather produced a ring from his inside jacket pocket and handed it to Kyy. The emblem on the ring was a dragon’s head. Kyy fingered the ring; it was made of gold, with the dragon carved from amethyst. He turned back to the picture, and placed the ring into the hole in the tree and took a few steps back. From behind the picture an image started to materialise, slowly at first, but soon a huge black dragon overwhelmed and replaced the horse, wolf and trees. Kyy felt as though he should be completely astonished, but the events of the last few days had made him more resistant to shock and surprise.