Falling Shadows Ch2 Part 1

in #falling-shadows8 years ago

 Chapter 2 Storms   

A brilliant flash of sheet lightning cast the darkening forest in brilliant light for an instant. Massive trunks and abundant scrub reflected the storm’s first volley so briefly that it seemed unreal. Kyy, still making his way through the giant trees, was almost at the forest’s edge and would soon be out and exposed on the upper plains beyond Greywood. The sun had at last fallen from its golden sapphire throne to the west, and the evening was darker than normal. The atmosphere was now governed by the storm that was sweeping in from the mountains.   Kyy loved watching storms. He loved their power and mystery and how the world changed so completely when they occurred. Kyy focused on one of nature’s most dazzling displays, as the forest fell away to fully reveal the spectacular sky over the Lundar Plains. It was if a great battle was being fought in the sky, the dark vanguard of the storm probing the still bright sky of the west for weakness.  

Twisted black shapes extended like great blades, cutting into the lighter clouds. They in turn would fight back against the storm which was reinforced by the encroaching night. The retreating sun’s last defenses swirled around the dark clouds, diluting their intensity so that at the battle’s edge the distinction between dark and light was no longer apparent. All shades intertwined in a beautiful dance indistinguishable from one another, creating patterns so varied and spectacular that one could stare at the scene for a hundred years and still see new and wonderful images.   Having such a view made the distance underfoot melt away, and without realizing it, Kyy had covered a large amount of ground. With the evening dew now heavy on the grass, the tall stems shimmered in silver and in many shades of green. The grasses moved like an ocean in the ever-increasing breeze, catching the last of the light as wave patterns danced mesmerizingly across the plains. Kyy’s summer boots and trousers quickly became soaked by the knee-length grass. The road would have been a more comfortable path, but a longer one, and Kyy was eager to reach the stables. As he reached the top of a small hill, the Thoria Stables came into view.   The roof of the large barn appeared first; it would be empty now, awaiting the hay that would be stored there over the winter. The stables stood to the right of the barn and housed the horses which had made Ealdar so well respected. 

The farmhouse was of similar height to the stables and stood across the courtyard. It was the oldest building on the farm, having stood for over a hundred years, but the craftsmanship was such that the house showed no signs of disrepair. The lantern on the porch was lit, as were the ones in the yard and stables. It was comforting for Kyy to look upon this place. It was a home to him and the warm sense of returning there spread through him like the heat from a fire.  The lights from the farmyard were in complete contrast to the sky. The darkness now prevailed entirely and the storm hung above the farm like a great ominous beast waiting to unleash its fury upon the land. As Kyy climbed the wooden fence and touched softly down on the other side the rain began. It was as if a key which opened the dark clouds had been turned, and sheets of heavy rain cascaded down. Within seconds Kyy was utterly soaked, despite running the remaining distance to the house. He bounded up the steps to the porch and shelter and turned to look out into the midst of the storm. 

This was only the edge of the weather front and already the rain was torrential. The wind had picked up considerably, racking the buildings and sending the mist from the rain swirling so that visibility was quite poor. Kyy composed himself before knocking gently and entering.  Ealdar stood by the stove and smiled as his weather-beaten grandson entered. His wolfhound, Rumble, lay by the fire and pricked his ears as the heavy wooden door creaked open. He had been restrained up until this point by his master but when Kyy entered, the shaggy grey dog bounded over to him.  Ealdar was wearing a long leather coat speckled with scattered raindrops and quickly drying rivulets; his grandfather had no doubt been out checking the horses. The coat sat upon broad shoulders and he exuded a strength and confidence that immediately reassured Kyy. His complexion and dark hair defied his years. 

His face appeared chiseled rather than wrinkled, and although he was fairer than Kyy, an active lifetime working outdoors with horses certainly contributed to his comparatively youthful yet rugged appearance.   'So you finally made it. I suppose you stopped off at the lake?' asked Ealdar rhetorically.  Kyy nodded, wondering for a moment if his grandfather was annoyed with his diversion. He petted the dog roughly.  'Ah, I knew you would. That place is a part of you, but you needn’t have jumped in.'  Kyy looked at himself and they both started to laugh.   'How are you my boy? I’ve missed you.'  ‘Me too.' Kyy answered as his grandfather embraced him.  'We have a busy time ahead and the storm will do us no favours this night.'   'How is Ghia?’ asked Kyy.  'The storm has made her a little nervous but she is strong. Your foal will arrive shortly. Let us go to her.'   Kyy quickly changed into a long coat and new waterproof boots that Ealdar gave him and they went out to the stables. Rumble, content in the heat of the kitchen, remained by the fire.  

One of the reasons Kyy had made this journey at this time was to be at the farm for the arrival of the new foal that would be his. Ealdar wanted him to be involved from the beginning and to be present for all aspects of the horse’s upbringing. It was both the quality of horse and Ealdar’s training that made his horses among the very best in Calbura. Ghia was the only foal sired by Tremor before Quaid left Greywood.  Ealdar and Kyy made their way quickly across the yard to the stables. All the horses were housed comfortably but, despite this, they were all agitated by the sounds of the storm. Ghia was in the largest stall. She was at the end of the stables, beside the back entrance that opened into the paddock. 

Past the paddock was the large grassland area where the horses could graze and be trained. A high wooden fence surrounded the entire grazing area. It protected the horses from thieves, wolves, or any other predator that occasionally would pass close to the stables.   To Kyy, Ghia looked in excellent condition. She had inherited the colouration of her father; a beautiful light grey coat with dark brown mane and tail. Kyy very much liked the idea of having his own white horse just like his father. It would be somehow comforting to create another common bond between them.  Kyy had first learned to ride on Ghia. Unlike Tremor, she was of a calm and gentle temperament. She possessed none of Tremor‘s powers, as is the way with all Hybridia offspring. The legacy of the chosen is that they fortify their species with intelligence and strength which is passed down from one generation to another, but their powers are an anomaly entirely restricted to Hybridia themselves.  It was raining as heavily as ever outside; the rain pounded the stable roof and the lightning was flashing even more frequently. Ghia was uneasy at first, but Kyy sensed her become calmer once Ealdar entered the stall. Just then a massive crash of thunder exploded all around. The deafening noise shook the air and seemed to resonate within every worldly particle. 

Kyy’s ears rang and all the horses were spooked and distressed. But in the chaos Kyy felt something calling out, a presence that lingered within the thunder’s aftermath. It faded as the thunder clap rolled away, but left a strangely familiar sensation in Kyy. An inexplicable warmness occupied his core, but at the same time left him feeling utterly dazed.  Ghia reared up with the initial blast and before the sound died away was pounding her feet on the stable floor, disturbing the freshly laid hay. Ealdar immediately placed his hands on her forehead and began to stroke her side gently to calm her down. Kyy, who was standing with a look of wonderment on his face, quickly came to his senses and joined his grandfather in calming the agitated mare. Kyy's touch seemed to have a positive effect on Ghia. 

The tension in her muscles eased and, despite the ever-present storm, she was eminently more relaxed. The other horses, however, were very distressed as the frequency of the lightning increased. Although not as powerful as the initial strike, the thunder was a constant threat to their well-being, as it caused them to buck and kick out. Ealdar left the stall to tend the other animals and his voice and touch began to soothe the restless horses. Kyy stood with Ghia, communicating his feelings to her and strengthening the bond of spirit between them.   'The time is upon us,' Ealdar said as he returned to the stall and almost immediately Kyy could feel the energy in the room change. He focused his mind, and used his gift to communicate silently with Ghia. He sensed both the mare and the new life about to be born. Kyy tried his best to send calming, reassuring energy to Ghia, as the storm’s intensity escalated to a higher level. Lightning flashed incessantly outside, illuminating the gaps in the shutters and between the cracks in the wooden walls. The storm sent thunder rolling across the plains and into the ears of every living creature, for miles around. All animals great and small took cover from the storm’s might. In this they were equal. The rain poured down in great cataracts, pounding on the stable’s roof and adding greatly to the storm’s fervour.   The event was an emotional one for Kyy. The violent weather seemed to augment his senses so that the world took on a surreal quality, where form and light merged. Yet again, he sensed another presence. 

It was then, as the storm reached its zenith, that the foal was born.  Quiet suddenly descended as if to emphasize the new arrival. The storm’s intensity ceased incredibly quickly and now all was blanketed in silence. The lightning no longer flashed and the thunder was only heard as a faint rumble. The tension that had been building in Kyy eased. He breathed deeply and a measure of calm prevailed in the Thoria Stables. Reality returned for Kyy. He stood with his grandfather and watched as the newborn foal gathered its strength and tried to stand for the first time.   'Born of storms, this foal will be strong,' said Ealdar and he seemed very pleased when the young horse managed on its first attempt.   'It is clear he is from a Hybridia line, and you have yourself a colt.' The foal was very alert, watching everything through bright green eyes. 'He is the image of his grandfather,' said Ealdar proudly, 'as expected'.   Almost completely white, apart from his dark brown mane, the foal was truly beautiful. Within a few moments the young horse was walking confidently around the stable, the strength in his body evident, while Ealdar tended to Ghia, ensuring she was in good health.  Kyy stared at the foal in admiration. 

He wanted nothing more than to move closer and touch him but he knew it was better to let the foal’s mother fully bond with him first. Ghia began to nuzzle close, learning the foal's scent. The feeling of owning his own horse had not yet sunk in and the whole experience of the birth and the storm had left him a little bewildered. As Kyy stood in a state of silence, watching the foal and his mother in his first moments of life, Kyy's mind wandered back to the events of the storm. It had been so powerful and then had ended so abruptly with the arrival of his foal. He wondered about the being he was sure he had sensed in the midst of the thunder, a soul's whisper that seemed calm yet forceful.  It was then that Kyy became aware of a low-pitched rumble from outside, like the final sound made by a thunderclap before it died away. This sound, however, was continuous and lingered subtly in the air. 

Kyy wasn’t sure if it had been there all along and had simply gone unnoticed, or had only recently begun. He was drawn to the sound and found himself moving outside. Kyy glanced around the stables but his grandfather seemed not to have noticed the noise. He was tending the other horses with a delighted expression on his face. Ghia and her newborn were standing side by side at the far end of the stall. Kyy stared at the foal and was caught in the gaze of green eyes; they burrowed deep within him and Kyy immediately sensed wisdom through those young eyes. 

He smiled as a million thoughts rushed through his mind like a great waterfall. Every drop of water was a premonition of his life with his new friend. Training to ride, galloping through forests and hills and summer meadows, walking on dusty roads, riding into fierce battles, seeing him grow from colt to stallion and stroking his head as he passed from this world. He watched him in bright blue days, rain-soaked nights under the silver moonlight running like the wind. He saw summer, winter, autumn and spring all in a moment.  How can one feel nostalgic about things that have not yet transpired? Kyy wondered momentarily but soon the specific details faded to warm vague feelings, and Kyy focused again on the low-pitched rumble from outside. He turned to the door and lifted the large beam that sat on two metal arms on either side of it, holding the door secure. Placing the beam on the ground he undid the bolts and opened the large wooden door.