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RE: Food Trucks with Bitcoin visa debit card from Bitpay

in #family8 years ago

This is how you rape the reward pool for yourself, if everyone did what you did it would be a cold place this Platform, thank god that hardly anyone does what you do, they are looking at Long Term, while you're stuck here sucking up all you can with three to four words, crapping on the dreams of everyone that spends hours into a post and gets cents. In reality you could have spent that time outside your selfish ends and curated some worthy content, instead you've just devalued the platform even more, because you were the only one that bought SP at 7c lololololol, why don't you go back and read some comments about "it your money you do as you wish, let me ride your whale cock please please please" 3, maybe reward them? Or they aren't worth that even lololol, least should you suffer by nobody voting for you.


This is the same cat who FLAGS "popular bloggers" who know how to blog because it isn't fair to those who DON'T know how to blog...check it out:
Title of Video - "Steemit flagging to reduce rewards, it's GREAT"

One hell of a charitable chap, eh?

Nice find, thanks for the share.
On a side note, I really have to start question the system itself. If there is some trickery going on behind the scenes to favour the developers who are profiting as well as those who first got on board. Of course I understand they have earned or invested to get where they are, but does that make it okay to abuse it (and lie about it, he never confronted my accusation of putting the majority of his voting power into self voting himself and his gang while leaving the scraps for those he claims to be helping so much)? I grow tired of bashing my head against a wall with this guy and his gang of brown-nosers.

Screenshot at 2017-07-03 11-15-08.png
I have decided to let this go. Better things to do with my day, and (let's face it) the system is built to allow such abuse as well as for folks like him to encourage others to take advantage of it while they can. Who am I to call anyone out? If thousands of people wanna cram their noses so far up this guy's ass, while he selectively puts his own up that of the handful of Whales that are basically abusing the system as he is, so be it.
Yet is surely does appear to me more and more this system is just a trick to fool newcomers into investing into a system who's reward pool is being raped by those who got into it early. My example is this.... I did not upvote @avva's comment below. And yet the system is claiming I did. And when I go to remove the vote, it throws the error "Vote weight cannot be 0" and refuses to remove my supposed ghost upvote. Strange, very strange indeed.

I up voted a whale article the other jumped about $9.00 - i don't have that kind of steem! i don't know, maybe others voted at the very same second? Anyway, i can't really prove what's going on, but with social Darwinists like @craiggrant around, i'm getting a little uncomfortable...

Keep in mind the cache... if you open the link and one person upvoted with $0.01, often in the time it takes you to read the post and check out the first comment or two others have upvoted. But until you refresh the page or vote they don't show. I caught it where it said the post had one upvote for a penny but after I upvoted it changed to something like 7 upvotes for a quarter or something.
Keep on keeping on, righteous is in the eye of the beholder (even if the beholder has criminal and fraudulent intent, he still believes he's righteous..... that ain't us man [insert "The Dude" GIF here]).

Snuck this in, just found it organically. Won't let me upvote since is 12 hours from the 7 day mark.... needs more Screenshot at 2017-07-01 21-27-23.png !!!
I guess.... those who see the obvious are choosing one of three things they can do about it: Join his crew (the majority), ignore it (the bulk of who's left), or fighting it (just a few of us).
Really shows who we are as a society as a whole. Sad, really.

you are right and I am wrong, now I'll go ahead and forgive myself

"If" this and "if" that // and then --- Omgosh.. here's the ol' heaven and hell shxx cause you want someone else to give you their money. @baah There is a pole waiting for you somewhere. Find it and jump on. You've got a better chance at getting your penny there. [ @craig-grant I know you don't gaf about anyone else's projected reflection of themselves. It is just hard to watch people trying desperately to hold on to control they never had. ]

@baah You will forever be remembered as "Mr. Can I Please Ride Your Cock" #goodnight

@baah No, it's because that is WHAT YOU SAID.

Screen Shot 2017-07-03 at 11.43.29 AM.png

@baah Envy and jealous will get you .. where you are -- NOWHERE! Steemit created an OPEN PLATFORM and sorry, they didn't consult YOU and your ideas of how shxx should be done. Word of advice, don't depend on other people to NOT crap on your "dreams".. This platform has value NOW because people like @craig-grant INVESTED IN IT WITH THEIR OWN HARD EARNED MONEY when you were somewhere else BEGGING FOR MONEY.

@baah Are you NOT getting the recognition you deserve? Is that why you decided to TROLL @craig-grant in the first place? To get some attention? It's funny how you keep mentioning @craig-grant's "COCK" -- you may have some insecurities in that area as well. Who knows, right? Only you. Just like you don't know WHAT his involvement is with anything. You're just making assumptions without all the information based on what? Your own motives.
