Welcome back to our daily real life with fraternal newborn twins in quarantine from this crazy pandemic! I talk about future plans for my beauty channel while I multitasking with twins breastfeeding, making dinner, and talking to a camera. The weather is starting to be nice so we got out for an amazing walk and fresh air. Day in the life of a mom with a toddler & newborn twins and it gets crazy. He helps with bottle feeding and changes. He cant get enough of them, always cuddling and snuggling them. Matt finally got Sophie to smile, they're growing so fast. It's so precious capturing these amazing memories when they're so small. I share with you our daily life in quarantine. All the fun we have and cute moments that happen during this corona virus / covid-19 pandemic.
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TWIN 33 WEEK PRETERM LABOUR BIRTH VLOG | Postpartum Belly & Life In NICU | ReasonsToSmile Vlog
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Instagram – @Jacksonthebabe - @campbelltwins2020
Twitter – @ckreklewich
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Baby vlogs, parents, mommy vlogs, dad, mom, mom vlogging, family vloggers, family fun, beauty vlogger, twins, twin mom