Dear Steemians....
I have a neighbor who lives now almost 3 years next to our home.
She is a pain in the ass since the beginning. She has now a little girl of 4 years. A son who's 15 years and she is now pregnant!!!
Here in the Netherlands it's legal to smoke weed/Marijuana even when your own child is near.
As a parent I'm so against that!!! But it's the law here.
I think 9 months ago this woman, her boyfriend and her son had a huge fight!!! They took the fight outside and her boyfriend smacked her son down and she stood by "her man!!"
Absurd!! But who am I. That was when I contacted the Police (again!!!) but also all the other authorities. Cause she yells and calls the little girl whore. And words like you should die. I hate you etc etc.
Ofcourse a child can make you go nuts sometimes...I know but I have never ever said this to one of my girls. And never thought about it! That's badshit crazy!
The authorities said to us they would take action ASAP!!!
Well untill this day nothing...nada! They only talk to her and that's it. Oooh and report it -.-
Today again there was a HUGE fight and she started yelling and calling names to the kids and her boyfriend but also took the fight outside.
It's a small community here and a lot of neighbors went outside to see what was happening.
My husband was also complaining and when she walked by she yelled at us why did we call the Police....seriously?!?!?!
My husband and another neigbors got upset and started yelling at her. I was trying to keep my husband calm and saying to him not to say anything. She is a kind of woman who always wants to have her way and never admits she's wrong.
And really...the Policie say this all and just kept their distance. Said nothing ...hahahaha ayay.
I have to laugh cause actually I'm really really upset by this!
Everyday they fight, drink a lot of alcohol, smoke weed and this little girl of 4 years is in the middle of it.
What will happend to her??
What will she take with her when she grows up??
These aren't good rolemodels for this young child.
But maybe my husband is right and I just have to let it alll go :(
I am a mother and it hurts me so much to see how they "take care" of that little girl.
.....I'm sitting here with a lot of mixed feelings.....I can't do anything about it. I'm a nobody...I mean if I was famous then they wuld take action....
Now I am typing all this and she is yelling again outside :( ......
This sucks!!!
This is so sad!! I understand your frustration. All I can do, thousands of miles away, is take your hand (figuratively speaking, of course) and pray for these kiddies.
Thank you so much @snapperlize.....appriciate it a lot!! (hugs!!) And yes I'm fighting here with all my emotions :(
This story is so very very sad.
Is there any agencies their like Child Protective Services?
I can't believe they just let this little girl be so abused & neglected.
They must have some sort of agency or services you can call and also since you said it's a small community their are witnesses to this .
I hope and pray that this family can get some kind of help as soon as possible because it will only increase and now she is going to have another child.
Something must be done , try. Looking for an agency in your town or maybe in the nearest bigger area .
And yes it's really unbelieveable but nobody is taking action. All the neighbors are scared of her. Well she only yells a lot against the grown up when somebody says something to her.
I've tried everuthing that I can thinki of. I even posted a few weeks ago a story about them and asked for help....did again everything people advized me and still nothing :(
I'm sitting here with a huge headache!
Will take a long shower and try to relax a bit.@experienceemma School knows it, the doctors here knows it, Child Protective Services knows it to. name it.