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RE: Preserving this moment just for me.

in #family6 years ago

This is an amazing story an moment to remember. And you know what, if the teenage years result in arguments from the siblings, when they reach University age, they'll look back on memories like this and smile and laugh and when they are old and coming together to recall their own lost youths, this will be the stuff to have a midnight drink to, listening to old records (or whatever the future equivalent will be) and recalling how their loving parent took the time to write it all done. A truly amazing gift for the future for all.

Also, I think supporting cast members are pretty imporant. We can't all be the star or else how would they shine? So getting to be a part of the process and a cog in the wheel of production is still a pretty magical thing and in come cases might be something someone even would love as a full time job, who can say?

Again, lovely story. These are the things I love Steemit for; it's like the old 2000's blogging days, a slower more thoughtful internet with real stories and real people and not just thumbs up and emoticons.