So! hurt and bittered in heart
Yet no one to talk to
She tries so hard to voice out her pains
Yet no one seems to care
Oh! What a world
The young and tender heart exclaim
I wish I was not born
I wish I knew no life
Why would life inflict so much pain on an infant
Who knows no harm and keep no secret
Her tender heart sought for an answer
Yet no one seems to say
Pains of life means alot
It may come in form of rape, abuse, lost of love one and so on
It brings regret and kills confidence
It murders talent and breed revenge.
It causes great War within.
Help the child fight against her pains.
Help her regain her strenght
Help her live in peace
Teach her love by showing them love.
Photo source : Facebook
great post edifon! keep it up! and thanks again for following!