There was a time
I was small and held your hand
As I got bigger
I made you let it go
I was a proud boy, to big to hold hands
You were my pap
You said, I understand
I often look back
Wishing I could hold it again
Like I did when I was a little boy
not like when I was older
and you were a dying man
So many years of wasted embraces
As you said I grew into a fine young man
I miss you pap
I wish I was a boy again
Just to hold your hand
For those of us whose father has passed this is poigant! I miss more than hands...knowledge of ordinary stuff like turkeys foot!
Indeed, I have both parents still. My wife has lost both, she is not dealing well and I have no base of knowledge to come from to make things easier for her. It is touch and go daily and it hurts to see her in such pain and know there is nothing I can say or do to ease her pain.
we'll meet again.
This is beautiful man. Just reminded me to appreciate my own Pap better in his lifetime
Best to do it while you can, it goes quick.
Tell her At least she have fond memories of him dear...not everyone says that of their Father.
She'll be alright...she's got you at least
i never even got to experience my grandfathers. i bet they would be better than my father. yeah im incomplete in that regard.
but think about all those orphans. i really feel their loneliness.
what i can say is, everything passes, and that should not keep us from smiling remembering those who have went before us.
beautiful, your Paps appreciates this i bet.
Grandfathers are often way better than fathers.
I miss you too honey're just not right.........
this is a nice tribute to your dad.
My grandfather, my dad is still here.
Got ya. sorry.
I was wondering why you called him pap (my husband referred to his Dad as pop)
Same here, my dad is my pops and my grandfather was my pap. I am pap-pap to my grandkids.
Sweet. I miss my grandfather. I called him Grandpa. My father has passed too, I called him Dad. It is good your family is so close.