What you do is only a part of who you are. I once knew a man that derived his entire self worth from his occupation. He worked 12-16 hour days, made loads of money, and sadly missed out on any sort of family life. One day the kids were grown and gone, his marriage was in tatters, and his occupation, his sole source of identity, was taken from him as his body gave out. He never lived.
It is so encouraging to read about your opinions regarding such matters and your family's journey in homesteading and self-sufficiency. My two kids have never been a part of the public school system because I didn't want them to derive their self-worth and identity from the standards of others. They are free to seek out and develop a sense of self without societal pressure, and I wouldn't trade the time that our family has spent together for anything. There's nothing like plucking 250 chickens together to strengthen the ol' family ties 😉
Wonderful post and happy journey to you all!!!