ساعدنا We saw the torment of Rafah tonight!

in #family8 months ago

Today is the 127th day of the war on Gaza, and we have been displaced 4 times. The word “displaced” makes me cry because I am in my country and they call me a displaced person but I and my family of six people have suffered a lot during these days. Our situation is like the Gazan people, but my suffering is greater than anyone else’s. With my children, I could not provide food for them. Here the prices are double, and the high price of diapers made me cry every day because the children cannot control themselves. As a result of that, I wash their clothes all day long, and the weather here is very cold and my bones have become 80 years old due to the a lot of pain that I feel.

With an invasion of Rafah where we are, we narrowly escaped death today. I can hear planes and drones flying overhead and the sounds of bombs and guns outside of our tent. Our family is terrified and we have no where else to go. I feel like we may be martyred at any day now.

I have aged 100 years during in this war. There was no warm place, no life, and no ingredients for life. We are being slowly annihilated and dying, and it is more like a secret death. Is it possible that the whole world did not see what is happening in Gaza?

Is it possible that humanity has been snatched from all the hearts of the rulers of the world? Is there anyone who can answer? I have looked through photos of my son Adam before the war and now he experiences pain from his stomach and his tonsils.

اليوم ٢٨ بعد المئة من الحرب على غزة و نحن نزحنا 4 مرات و تبكيني كلمة نزحنا لاني في بلدي و يسموني نازح لكن انا و اسرتي المكونة من 6 أفراد عانينا كثيرا خلال هذه الأيام حالنا كحال الشعب الغزي بس معاناتي اكتر من اي حد مع أطفالي لم استطيع توفير طعام لهم و هنا الأسعار مضاعفة و الحفاضات سعرها الباهض جعلني ابكي كل يوم لان الأطفال لا يستطيعون ان يتحكموا بانفسهم ...
و على اثر ذلك طول نهاري اغسل ملابسهم و الجو هنا بارد جدا و أصبحت عظامي في سن 80 من كثر الالم الذي اشعر فيه و انا كبرت 100 عام في هذه الحرب🥹
لم يوجد مكان دافي ولا حياة ولا اي مقومات للحياة نحن نباد إبادة و موت على البطئ و هو اشبه بالموت السري.
هل يعقل ان كل العالم لم يراى ما يحدث في غزة ؟؟
هل يعقل ان الإنسانية انتزعت من كل قلوب حكام العالم؟؟
هل من مجيب !


I hope the community here on hive can provide you with a lifeline.
love and prayers to you and your family
@achimmertens can she benefit from the !CHARY initiative?

Hi @basilmarples,
Yes indeed is @girlofgaza a person that needs help. It is a real sad Story! But what makes me sure, that this Story is true? There are lot of people that say "I need help" (and the most of them need realy help). But I cannot help them all. That is, why I support the people, that realy take care and work with needy people on their place. This is easier to gain trust and their number is smaler.
Nevertheless, thank you for marking this post!

I know that she was advised to post here by a long term community member who has also shared her post here and on twitter.....but certainly she must do her best to show us that she is real so that we can support her fully!

I know it may sound a bit off,but please provide some verification f.e. a photo with timestamp (today's date) or something of sorts.

I want to share the message of the horror further, but I need to be sure you're not an impersonator.
Stay safe

I share that because this is a moment for opportunists to capitalize on tragedy but she is real. She’s a friend of mine and we’ve video called. I’ve been sending her money as I can. The Gaza refugees have an economy that’s working off of PayPal and BTC. I spent two days walking her through and setting her up on Hive.


You need to be absolutely sure that none of the money you send is going to Hamas.

It is a serious criminal offence to assist a designated terrorist group like Hamas in any way. Hamas captures and controls most of the aid that goes to Gaza.

Who do you think controls the cryptocurrency exchanges in Gaza - Hamas.

@kommienezuspadt, you need to ask some very detailed and serious questions about how this person is getting the funds you send out.

This is why I introduced her to Hive. No one is sending her anything. Shes posting and earning what she can on her own.

she was invited and shared by @kommienezuspadt if that helps!
check her first post out

I saw his tweet

@girlofgaza let us know how we can help. What do you need? Where can you go? How much will it cost?

hey, @girlofgaza I don't think I know what to say because your pain cannot be covered with anything :( I can only pray for you in my worship. May the most merciful Allah give you the strength to survive there.

Are there any shops for household needs that are still open with the recent conditions?

I'm so sorry for all of your suffering. The world is watching, and protesting, and boycotting; the powerful people don't acknowledge us but there have been signs that maybe we are starting to put a dent in their profits which is all they care about so maybe they will start to listen. You are not forgotten! We stand with you and all the innocent people who are suffering. 💙

Not one word of criticism of Hamas whose genocidal attack on innocent Israelis caused the situation described in the post.

Not one call to release all the Israeli hostages so that Israel doesn't need to go in and rescue them by force.

You brought this situation on yourselves by supporting Hamas.

Even when Gaza is badly destroyed by their actions of hiding weapons in every house (probably yours included) you still won't criticise Hamas.

It is hard to feel sympathy for people who fail to acknowledge that their situation is a direct result of their wrongful conduct and play victim.

Here's a young mother of 4 sick children, who has lost everything she has and just tries to survive until the next day while huge bombs are falling all around them.

And the only thing you can think about is asking her about a political statement in this very moment? How unempathetic and tone-deaf can a person be?

To justify your hateful comment you insinuate that she had a certain political affialiation, and even have weapons in her house.

You guys are fucking fanatics, and it's about time the world wakes up to what's been going on in the occupied territories since decades - that you feel justified to talk to a suffering human being like this is showing who you really are.

People like him genuinely believe time began on October 7th without 75 years of murder and occupation prior. They’ve enjoyed decades of impunity for crimes against humanity and are having a really hard time with the fact that the veil of the fascist regime they support has been pulled back. Literally, “…what about Ha,mas?”, is all they have left. A complete absence of all humanity.

People like me - Jews - are a civilisation that was already over 3000 years old when your country was born.

We Jews are the indigenous people of The Land of Israel and have a 3500 year history in this land that GOD gave to us.

It is YOU, the citizen of an immature, upstart civilisation (the USA) that does not know history. Putin made a point of exposing your nation's ignorance of history in his Tucker Carlson interview. Yet the Jewish State is almost 3x as old as Russia.

Muslim Arab terrorism against Jews began in the late 1920s with an Oct 7 like massacre in Hebron and became a direct alliance with Hitler a decade later.

Your immature, upstart civilisation has achieved global super power status without ever fighting and winning a war for its existence and by free riding on the blood and sacrifice of other nations (esp Russia in WWII) being handed the keys to the British Empire without earning them.

You live in a fantasy world and support evil out of ignorance and warped morality.

Speaking of an imaginary god promising people that lived thousands of years ago something that you now claim to have a right on. And he's the one living in a fantasy world? Made my day.

A "highly accomplished lawyer" in favour of collective punishment. Scary.

When terrorists come to murder and rape your family - that's scary!
