Last but not least! The mamabear of the household(she hates kabear):
My girlfriend Karen is amazing.
She's kinda got it all going on, she's smart (studying to become a pharmacist,) she's gorgeous (see pictures,) she's a great mama, a hard worker, and most of all a great girlfriend and partner to me these last couple years. She always supports me, but also keeps me grounded, and she's always been genuine, never afraid to express her feelings and thoughts.
Karen and I met a few years ago, and about a month later we find out Mila was on the way. Not the easiest way to start a relationship, and we've definitely had our ups and downs. Us getting pregnant without dating very long beforehand has tested our relationship countless times. We've fought, sometimes yelled, and sometimes hurt each other's feelings, but we've always come back and worked on it, we've always been willing to try, to look at the other person's perspective of things and work with each other.
Everyday I feel like our relationship gets stronger because of it, because we are willing to work with each other and tell each other what we need to thrive in the relationship. It's not ever easy, I know I've messed up, but I've grown more from being with her.
She's Tough
This girl is one of the strongest people I know. She had Mila while in pharmacy school (and while putting up with me), has been working two jobs while in pharmacy school, and has overcome some challenging events in life. I'm always amazed by how she works through things and thinks of others even when she's having a bad day.
She's the Responsible One
Mila would probably be in trouble if she had me organizing things around here. Karen is pretty much the bomb at organizing, which is completely opposite from me. She's always prepared and thinking things through, so we've always been a step ahead with Mila. She's got a planner and she uses it, our Hawaii vacation was perfectly planned. I should really pick up that habit from her.
She's a Hardworker
Some days she's non-stop: school-work-work-bed. She's a farm girl and can get some shit done. She actually did most of the home projects, like making our bookshelf and shoe rack(I helped significantly, promise). She's kickass at school, getting scholarships and presidencies and planning health fairs.
She's Real
I love this girl. Doesn't matter what we're doing we can still have fun. Either out adventuring, or staying at home with Mila and Lola, we always can goof off, play around, even talk about cryptos. She's always genuine. There's also a serious side to her, where she really wants to know me. I always know the more I give, the more I get with her. Knowing that helps me be more vulnerable, which has always been something I struggle with.
Karen, I love you and think you're an amazing woman. You've been the best baby-mama a guy could ask for, I know you love Mila so much and would do anything for her. And I know you love me. I feel like I've grown a ton with you, and I keep wanting to grow to be a really good man for you. I hope you know I always support you and want the best for you, and I'll work to give you that. You're beautiful, sexy, and strong, and I know you are meant for some great things in life. I'm a lucky man to get to share my time with you.
That's it, the whole @jakeybrown household. Hope you like 'em!
You have a beautiful young family there bro, congratulations :)
You should invite your gf to steemit you know, she would surely be a positive member for this community.
Thanks man! I've told her to get on here but she still hasn't. Pretty busy lately but maybe one day
Great write up, it’s great to see your relationship has changed and grown and you are both great parents for Mila so she is blessed that way. Karen is s great girl and clearly a hard worker! And organized so that’s really good especially with you. Great family you have!
And why isn't it Karbear? Seems like that would be the natural progression of her name. Does Karen read these? hi Karen! :)
thanks, yea some people call her karbear I think.. She reads them sometimes
Wow what an amazing description and quality of the woman of your life. You are a lucky man to have such an intelligent and hardworking lady for a wife. Am happy for you and your new family. Great post
Thanks, I tried to do her justice :)
Nice one Jakey! Cheering for you guys! Must have been hard but you made it happen. That's really motivating! Much Love to you and your family bro! Keep up the good vibes.
Thanks @jankasparec! It's been tough but rewarding and we're in a really good place now. Good vibes always man!
Super happy to hear that Jake!
Hey wow, Valentines has come way early or a tad late? Seriously though, you are a lucky man and I wish you both many continued years of happiness.
Thanks @kryptoe!
Great tribute and what a cute baby!
Good luck to you, Karen, Mila and Lola. Nice little family you have there! All the best for the future.
Bravo! Karen sounds like an awesome person and pretty similar to my wife, Vanessa. I really appreciate this post, brother. Vanessa and I got pregnant after dating for about 10 months. I was 20 years old and we were still both in school. Vanessa had just started grad school. So we can relate in a few ways!
I love seeing you celebrate your girlfriend. Sadly, it is a rare thing to see. Keep up the good work.
I just realized that this is a 2 months old post. Haha. I'm not actually sure how I ended up here, but I'm glad I did. :D