Where is my mother from?
My mom, Marilyn Kathleen Mitchell, was probably born in Seattle, the 3rd of July, 1951, to "Dick" Richard Erwin Morehead and Irene Dwana Pickett. My momma has a sister, Karen, and a brother, Brian. Sadly, her mommy died around 1968. That might be a reason why we eat from our own gardens. We believe in natural remedies. We believe in prevention. We are into family trees. This post has about 103 photos which came from a CD in the mail from aunt Karen. New wedding is coming. This post serves is a placeholder, a bookmark rough draft in the family trees, the biographies, history, that we work on. I'm trying to archive history and many things. The purpose of this post is in the name of education, encouragement, awareness, archiving.
Family Tree Introduction
1927-2008 - Richard Erwin Morehead - my maternal grandpa.
1927-1968 - Irene Dwana Pickett - my maternal grandma.
Family Trees & Research
Ancestry.org Versus WikiTree.com?
Information about Grandpa Richard.
My mom's Facebook
Official Facebook is Marilyn Mitchell: @RestoreMainStreet1
Older, Former, Accounts
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Marilyn Morehead: @DaisyRasberry
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Richard Morehead Family Photos
2018-06-14 Thursday 07:24 PM LMS: Richard Morehead Family Photos
Written by me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold
Published at 09:07 PM
Updated at 09:23 PM
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Litecoin -LRxpufCqg95g3BYuAKHev6NVWp6Sgb7jiz My mother was born with the name of Marilyn Kathleen Morehead on 1951-07-03 and she married Ron Hunter around the early 1970's. Like my brother, Rick, my mom lived in Texas. Ron felt that my mom couldn't have kids. Ron left my mom. They divorced. Ron married a woman that couldn't have children, allegedly. This is what my mom told me, as far as I can remember. Mom married my dad, Donald Melvin Rasp Arnold 1980-03-08 or around that time. My dad was born a Rasp but adopted into an Arnold family. Dad was had many girlfriends. Dad was always drinking & yelling. Verbally abusive. Had affairs. Adultery. Dad taught us kids basketball & landscaping. Dad left mom around 2007. Things got worse & worse. But us kids, me & my 3 siblings, were out of the house by then. Parents divorced & my mom married a high school friend, a former BF, Bill William Cunningham, until he died in 2011. My mom married Larry Mitchell in 2012. This is a very brief overall outline of the life of my mother. She plays piano, sings, writes. She has gardens. I've been helping mom with her gardens. Mom homeschooled us kids. Mom is like a doctor and historian. She was always reading books. She has many books. She knows a lot. She worked at Mary's Kitchen and Maggie's Buns. She worked for a Mystery Shopper thing. She would come to theaters, cinemas, unannounced, or under short notice, and she would fill out surveys on how the box offices were, how many were coming to certain films, overall experiences, feedback of the big screens. My mom was like a secretary & a librarian book keeper. My mom had natural births. This is just a rough draft. Here are some photos of my mom, her dad, Richard Morehead, and their family: +2 votes My mother was born with the name Marilyn Kathleen Morehead, born 1951-07-04. My mom's parents were "Dick" Richard Erwin Morehead 1927 - 2008 and Irene Dwana Pickett 1927 - 1968. Dick's parents were Erwin Morehead 1893 - 1965 and Kathleen Glanville Henderson 1892 - 1965 Erwin's parents were Cyrus Eugene Morehead 1859 - 1948 and Mary Catherine McRoberts 1869 - 1961. Cyrus' parents were Robert M. Morehead, born in North Carolina USA 1822 - 1891 and Martha Curl 1836 - 1915. Robert's parents were Ephraim Alexander Morehead 1785 - 1818 and Lois Johnson But I guess the dates and names are wrong here. Robert may have been born after Ephraim died. They may not be related. I am getting my information from Ancestry.com. I want to trace the Moreheads farther back but I am having trouble. asked Feb 26, 2014 in Genealogy Help by Joey Arnold G2G Crew (390 points) Wiki Tree is more about working together as a community to build family trees and to build archives of informations and things that can be shared and edited and worked on. . Some of Ancestry may be true or partly accurate. Some of it is true. You have to be careful. . But Ancestry is not like a Wiki Pedia or a Wiki Tree kind of website where people edit the mistakes that others made. . Wiki Tree has a better system for building genealogies, as in family trees, for collecting the information, for organizing it, for adding sources to help authenticate it. . Some websites like Ancestry require money or maybe too much money after you're free trials end and the work you do or find on those websites are sometimes not accessible when you're not giving them money. . Some websites like Wiki Tree are more credible when they allow for the ability to edit mistakes. Adding sources to your existing profiles will help others with your search. I added a death record to https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Morehead-261. The death record listed his mother's maiden name, which then allowed me to find his parents marriage record. "Oregon Marriage Records, 1849-1952", database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:F8W8-8YT : 22 December 2016), Robert Morehead and Martha Curl, 1853. The more you add, the more clues you will have and the more that others can help! Rasp Morehead Henderson Pickett Family Tree Thursday, October 2, 2014 ID: I381 HintsAncestry Hints for Erwin MOREHEAD Father: Cyrus MOREHEAD b: in Eugene, Oregon Marriage 1 Kathleen Glanville HENDERSON b: 30 MAY 1892 in Chilliwack, B.C. Children Posted by Oatmeal English at 2:41 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Richard E. Morehead Share on email Share on print In lieu of flowers, contributions may be sent to the Community Cancer Center at 545 W. Umpqua, Roseburg, OR. 97471. Posted by Oatmeal English at 2:40 PM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Oatmeal English View my complete profile
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My Mother & Father
Where are the Moreheads? I wrote the following on WikiTree:
Please let me know if you can help me build my Morehead family tree.morehead pickett henderson pickell mentors sourcerers
retagged Feb 16, 2017 by Robin Lee
I am uncertain where your Morehead family is from, but about 10-15 years ago, there was a Morehead antique store in Mesa, Arizona. Perhaps that family might be able to provide some insights.
commented Feb 16, 2017 by Gail Smith G2G5
2 Answers
+1 vote
I would avoid ancestry.com except for clues to help in your research. Try familysearch.org where for free you can plug in your names, dates and locations to find censuses, birth, marriage and death records and most times can see the documents themselves. There are human errors in the mix but looking at everything together will help you sort out what is accurate. Good luck in your research. :-)
answered Feb 26, 2014 by Lauren Conte G2G6 Pilot (103,150 points)
Please explain why someone should avoid Ancestry.com! I'm confused about that!
commented Feb 15, 2017 by Colleen Eary G2G5
The Ancestry website is not as credible. Generally. they do not fix problems. There are some duplicates of names. I've used that website. My family have too. I've seen inaccurate information with names, dates, locations, and other information.
But Ancestry is more focused on making money more than they are with building archives that can be accessed freely, publicly, globally.
commented Feb 16, 2017 by Joey Arnold G2G Crew
edited Feb 16, 2017 by Joey Arnold
Gives me a lot to think about. Thank you
commented Feb 17, 2017 by Colleen Eary G2G5
+1 vote
answered Feb 14, 2017 by Robin Lee G2G6 Pilot (385,850 points)
Good. Thanks for adding that.
commented Feb 16, 2017 by Joey Arnold G2G CrewInformation about Grandpa Richard. I wrote the following on former Blogger Blogspot Journal Diary Family Tree Plce Years Ago:
Erwin Morehead 1893 - 1965
Name: Erwin MOREHEAD
Sex: M
Birth: 1893 in Weiser, Idaho
Occupation: 1922 Bank Clerk
Residence: 1922 Seattle, WA7 possible matches found on Ancestry.com Ancestry.com
Mother: Catherine MCROBERTS b: in Missouri, USAMarried: 10 MAY 1922 in Chilliwack, BC
Married: 1922 in B13743, Reg # 1922-09-244447
Has No Children Richard MOREHEAD
Richard Erwin Morehead: My Maternal Grandpa: Death Note: By Skip:Article
Comments (0)
January 13, 1927- October 12, 2008
Dick was born in Seattle, Washington, and raised on Mercer Island. Roseburg has been his home for over forty years and he thoroughly enjoyed begin an Oregonian. He graduated from the University of Washington with a degree in Business Administration. During the Second World War he proudly served in the U.S. Army. His lifelong career in insurance began in Seattle and soon he transferred to Portland as a Casualty Insurance Manager, progressed on to become a Bond Manager and then a Branch Manager. In 1965 he came to Roseburg as a partner in an insurance agency. After a number of years he merged with Umpqua Insurance. Dick remained with Umpqua for 19 years until his retirement. They were good years spent in a business he enjoyed. He often made the comment " I enjoy this business with its challenges". Dick had belonged to the Morning Rotary, was a Paul Harris member and felt that being a math mentor was an honor. He also enjoyed his longstanding membership in the Roseburg Country Club. Dick belonged to the Chamber of Commerce and was a Past President. He was a former chairman of the Community Cancer Center and continued to serve as their treasurer. He had served as District Chairman of Douglas Fir District Boy Scouts and had received their Award of Merit. Hobbies he enjoyed included golfing, fishing, hunting, gardening and reading. Dick and his wife, Danese, (Skip) enjoyed many trips over the years. Dick is survived by his wife, Danese (Skip) of 39 years; son, Brian and his wife, Lori; daughter, Danese Ann Gordon and her husband, Steve, who had been like a son to Dick; daughters, Karen Williams and Marilyn Morehead. He was the proud grandpa of 13 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. He was predeceased by his parents, Kathleen and Erwin; his first wife, Dwana, and son-in-law, Jimmy Williams. Dick daily enjoyed the beauties and joys that our Lord provides and he lived his life with a strong spiritual belief. A celebration of his life will be held on Saturday, October 25, 2008, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. at their home, 1346 Fisher Rd.
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Erwin Morehead 1893 - 1965
Richard Erwin Morehead: My Maternal Grandpa: Death...
Wow, you really did your research. Thanks for sharing this story
Yes, we have been working on family trees for years.
Yummy! Try this with a Berliner Weisse. You won't regret it.
Jast wow 😱😱😱
Yeah, my mom's family was a cute family from the 1950's. They lived in Seattle and later in Oregon. America is returning back to those golden days right now.