On Saturday, January 18, 2020 at 8:16am, Pollux was born to Toni and me. He weighed 5 lbs 14 oz (2665 grams) and two minutes later, his younger brother Castor was born at 8:18am weighing in at 6lb 12.5oz (3070 grams).
Castor and Pollux were half-brothers from Greek Mythology. They had the same mother, but different fathers. Pollux's father was Zeus, which made him immortal. His half-brother was the mortal son of Tyndarius, king of Sparta.
Because of his love for his dying brother, Zeus gave Pollux the opportunity to volunteer to give up half of his immortality so that he can visit spend 50% of his time with him in Hades.
Because of his sacrifice, Zeus made Castor and Pollux into the two brightest stars of the Gemini Constellation to live there together for eternity.
Being that Toni and I are both Geminis, we couldn't think of more appropriate names for the two newest stars in our family.
It's been an exciting journey and we are so excited to introduce them to the rest of our tribe.