Yesterday I attended my sons school excursion to the bakery for the day though as he attends an Islamic school I was required to wear a headscarf to be able to attend. At first I didn't feel comfortable having to cover myself up, so that night I researched how to wear a hijab and found that there where many different ways to wear the scarf. After experimenting a few different ways to wrap it around my face a found a way that I was comfortable with and was nice and quick to do in the morning. That morning I experimented with my clothes to get the right look and found a nice plain grey maxi skirt and lose fitting black shirt to go under the long sleeved maxi cardigan I had brought when I purchased the head scarf. Amazingly everything blended together well and that morning I found myself feeling more comfortable with the headscarf on and soon warmed up to my big day ahead with my second oldest son.
We had a great time at the Artisan Bakery were we got to make our own Italian rustic bread and small cheese pizza. My son even took my items to eat he enjoyed it that much.
Though once the excursion was finished I was more than happy to take the scarf off and be myself once again. It was really nice all the complaints I got while I was wearing the hijab and I didn't find I was treated any differently by strangers for being fully covered up. Surprisingly I actually felt very beautiful and elegant, though I can't say when the weather warms up more I could still feel this way. I love going to the beach or water park with my kids and not sure how wearing the scarf would still allow me to enjoy these activities freely. I truly praise those woman who do wear the scarf for you must want to sometimes just be carefree and go with the flow or maybe it's just me that feels that way as I know what it's like to not wear the scarf and was not raised in the Islamic faith. In anyway I mean no disrespect to the women of the hijab, this is just my thoughts on a day wearing it.
Than today was sports carnival day and that was exhursting. Chasing two toddlers around the field n taking photos of my daughter while she took part in the three legged race, or bean bag toss. All the while looking over my shoulder to make sure I didn't miss the boys run in their race. Unfortunately at morning break I caught back up with the boys and gave the oldest a hug for his effort in his race to find that I had missed the other one race so after that I dragged the two little ones onto the field again to make sure I watched him in the long jump and than run back across the field to see my daughter race. Only she came last and broke into tears.

Dieu vous protège