in #family7 years ago

Sometimes, a parent has to do what a parent has to do!

Life can be tough, and life with children is no different. Sometimes, all that a parent wants is a moment of peace and quiet. Here is one simple trick that works well for us.


and ourselves, to some quiet time by telling them it is time to play "dead donkey." Basically, they lay on the floor and act like a dead donkey. Thankfully, dead donkeys do not make any noise, and they also do not move.Every once in a while, we treat the @little-peppers,

The children have fun and we get a quick breather when needed. Interestingly enough, it had been so long, I forgot all about the game until just the other day when @mama-pepper told the kids it was time to play "dead donkey."

DISCLAIMER: This post is in no way encouraging the actual killing of any donkey, domesticated or wild, and absolutely no donkeys were harmed in the making of this post.


This amazing @little-peppers logo was generously provided by @rigaronib.


When I worked with kids in the UK we had a similar call.

But for us it was 'assume the position!'. the kids had to find the nearest wall and stand with their legs apart, hands on the wall facing the wall and not talking until we told them they could move.

Often the last one to comply was thrown into the lake. (until they figured this out and they all tried to be the last one)

I don't work with kids any more..... ;-)

I wonder if it would work on wives?


No. It doesn't :-( hehe

Worth a thought. maybe if you had Dolphins in the area?

LOL! My aunt used to have my brothers and I play the "Quit Game" - we'd get like 25 or 50 cents for every 15 minutes we were quiet. It worked - most of the time lol

Lol, my grandpa used to pay me and my sister a penny for every pinecone we picked up in his yard....he made out like a bandit. We would be outside, leaving it quiet inside, we basically cleaned the whole yard (which was huge btw) of pinecones, and I'm pretty sure the vast majority of those pennies ended up in his cushions by the time we headed home.

I'd have been shaking the tree for more pinecones! lol A money tree! lol

I always knew there would be a crap ton behind the shed, but my bag wouldn't fit there so I would set it down and get as many as I could from behind there, but my sister would sneak over and steal them out of my bag.

Lmaooo @ dead donkey 😂😂 I will definitely try this out when I have kidso

We do this too, except we call it church mouse! My daughter would cry if she heard anyone say donkey and dead in the same sentence....she loves donkeys.

Church mouse it is!

And then you hear of a horse playing dead donkey.

Awwieee! Thanks for the idea @little-peppers. We must do the same with the @divinekids.

We'd gladly welcome some peace and quiet at home from time to time. :D

It is funny that "dead donkeys" all die with their tounges hanging out.
We had a game where the "it" looked away and the kids tried to creep up on the "it".
He could turn at any point he felt like and if he saw anybody moving, twitching, even smiling, they had to go back to the start and try again. Keeps them quiet, but can make you giddy.
As a variation, when you have more kids over in the evening, "it" is blindfolded and sits on the ground/floor, legs bent and apart. Between his legs is a big, noisy, bunch of keys [or similar] He is armed with a torch. the kids have to creep up and get the keys, then get them back to the start line. "it" shines the torch where he thinks someone is when he hears a noise. If he is correct, the spotlit one goes back to the start.
Outside, among dried leaves, it can last a long time, just needs one of the older kids to be the judge whether the torchlight actually hit the creeper.
Have fun

This is so informative. Thank you for sharing. I need to ask my sister to try this for her kids.

I first remember hearing of this game from my sister and her family. I have also used it to calm down some frisky and noisy little ones. Great job Little-Peppers on making it look so real. We love you.

Oh this poor kids, brainwashed at such an early age.... lol