I LOVE this post!! My kids are 19 and 22 now and living on their own, but almost every night when they were growing up, we sat down to dinner, no cell phones allowed, and ate and talked! So simple. My husband (ex now!) did not see the value in this and often ate in front of the tv. My boys and I now have a great relationship, the younger one calls me every day or every other day and the older one once or twice a week. Our relationship is built on years of conversation, trust, and love. Unfortunately, they have more of an 'acquaintance-like' relationship with their father. In this age of instant messaging and texting, taking the time to not only have dinner together, but also conversation is a must! Cheers!
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Wow, I must say you have been a fabulous mother with your boys. This so much proves that when our children are young it so much matters what type of time we spend with them. If it is a good quality time it make so much difference in their whole outlook towards the parents and even for other people. Parents are responsible for all the values that the child has. Thank you so much my dear for sharing your story :-)
Thank you so much; as a mom, it's always great to hear you've done a good job. We live in a world where unfortunately, parenting isn't considered a worthwhile occupation! Cheers!