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RE: Marley & Family are Safe in Finland :) :) :)

in #family8 years ago

With a long and explained reply, how dare you to say I'm "trolling"?

I used those 2 words because that's what they look to me, and pretty much explained on the vaccines sentence. They think and act like conspiracists. They prefer to escape their country like criminals rather than sending their kids to the hell called school. Because everyone knows that school will automatically turn their kids into robots ready to follow commands with no ability to question. Oh, wait, that's exactly what school wants to avoid. You can now call me "troll" for using sarcasm.

In my opinion, they're doing more psychological harm to their kids with their current actions than what the "horrible" government wants. Once again, they had a lot of time to prepare themselves before being troubled in this situation, they already knew homeschooling is illegal as they claimed in one of their posts. And what do you expect to happen when you do something illegal?

There was no need for the "run and hide" and witch hunt they're making the kids experience. I don't know if it's applicable in Sweden but the government now could even freeze their passports under the premise of child abuse, and make things worse for their family.