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RE: Marley & Family are Safe in Finland :) :) :)

in #family8 years ago

Yes, and they want it earlier too if possible. Here in Ireland they've been talking about making 'school' (pre-school or playschool...the first gives me the creeps just hearing it) possible for toddlers at the age of 2! Their sales pitch is to 'make education available to children at this age to assure children are up to speed to keep up later in 'real' school. It is mainly aimed at children of lower income families. I see it as another way for them to have child protection step in where they feel they need to stick their noses. When it comes to that, they will probably find something wrong with the family (single parent families, too alternative, too rural, too independent, you name it: they'll find something wrong with anyone) and another step closer to them deciding what's in your child's best interest. So I'm working on a plan B myself. I am not going to sit around and wait to see it implemented.