Oh No!! Panic

in #family7 years ago (edited)


Family Holiday

Normally you give a message to the stay-ad-home-front that we arrived safely
So that is what I wanted to do. Give my father a message that we arrived safely
But the only message I have on my IPhone was:Finally I, @s3rg3 & mini-me arrived on our campside


I turned my iPhone off and onn again
I try to select a provider manually

But still I’ll have NO SERVICE 📛 I tryed the iPhone of @s3rg3 (maybe it was cheap phone cell membership, If I need internet I join the hitspot of @s3rg3 ‘s IPhone)

OMG 3 whole weeks without

  • Steemit
  • Steemify
  • WhatsApp
  • Safari
  • Facebook
    and .... Pokemon Go 🐯

So I decided to make the best of it
And get a code en password for the wifi of the campside🏕
No wifi infront of our wooden cabin 🏠
But only on the campterras inbetween all the other guests who have the same panic just like me there I have a low wifi signal 📍

I didn’t really know that having vacation on a campsite is really going back to the basic (just the good old time before we had iPhones 📱 )


Keep calm and enjoy the family holiday and have a Beer Monaco 😍

Have a great day!
Not your average steemit! - @missmau


here.My husband @s3rg3 is witness with his developer group @blockbrothers for the Steem blockchain. If you want to support them they would appreciate your vote

They build Steemify, a notification app for your Steemit account for iOS.
Get it Here:


Well, at least there is Internet somewhere, you're not completely without it. Have nice holidays

Lekker rustagggg