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RE: Dad Tip of the Day - Keep um Guessing

in #family7 years ago

Definitely great advice, my 4yr old is always wanting to do something, if he isn’t active he is so moody, lately we have been flying helicopters and drones, here in a few weeks I’m gonna be building a Aquarium stand so he will be out there with me and for sure helping, he helped build our deck, and pantry and a few other things around the house... mainly I let him help on just puttin the stuff together and measuring, eventually in maybe 3yrs I’ll actually let him start doin some of the cutting that still makes me very nervous 😜 but I let him watch me do it and tell him what to do and not do so he knows


That is awesome! Drones do sound fun, and good idea on the aquarium!

They r fun he loves flying them, he is really good at taking off and landing but moving them around not so good yet but he is learning