It’s a cool day without thinking about anything, coz it burns the windward side really bad that I don’t even try to since she went, it has been hell, I ones didn’t even ever hand to imagine whether we would one time be in it. You may say that were not in hell but we are in it with two feet. What really suck is that little of her friends care about our welfare and when she was in the windward side they were really friends who could think one day it will be like it is today?. Well we were raised to be strong not be weakling in everything we do, want to do or we aspire to. He things taking the second will keep us in line little did he know he was creating a big gap between him and us.
Sand thing is he didn’t wait for the wound to heal he just went ahead and inflicted a nail on an already bleeding wound, what did he think that it will stop bleeding or did he think (the act) will accelerate the healing? Too bad we were not for the accelerate or decelerate just to be the way it was, though the right hand was missing (pause). On ma point of view, since the right hand wasn’t we would have accepted what had happened and move on and be strong as one familia but that was not the case all in the name of(“I wish you marry you’ll know what I mean”,) mean what! my foot! As if one can’t stay with out it (S#*).
When ma was still with us he used to tell me “I can marry another one and move a way even if she had kids” little did I know he was serious, it really pains me a lot when I flash back I usually feel like I would smack somebody down.
“I don’t know who will take care of you if I were to die to day” those were ma’s words when she was with us little did we know her hours were running up (pause) i feel hatred in within me though it’s good to take it out through writing this . Yeah I really try to take it, that she is not with us nor would she be with us again, only her spirits will be with us every day of our lives.
We have been straggling with life with less cash in our pockets and we are still growing strong as day passes by coz every had ship on the way makes I stronger and be a better man tomorrow coz areal man makes or breaks his live through ones fall down. We African man we fall and we don’t show any sense of frailer we pick our self’s up and start again where we left , soon through Gods love we will overcome all this and we will be big again and they will talk about us “God help us to get out of this bondage we are in” .
It’s been a while since I visited uncle J he’s really good he doesn’t tolerate any shit around him good for him when I get some time I will go say hi to him though I haven’t forgotten about the dowry remaining for ma, coz I don’t thing he will ever bring any I will when I get some cash I will bring even if it will take time I will bring that’s a promise .
At time I usually wonder why it had to be us though on the other hand I see it as a straggle and a lesson to us never to make such a mistake in our lives.
Anyway that’s part of shit in my life and more to come.
TO Be Continued…
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