My son is my best friend

in #family7 years ago

Hi all

I am making this post mainly for me. I have always felt I am blessed to have 2 wonderful children. My son Josh and daughter Emma and I often talk about our relationship. We are closer than most children and father, and I am very happy about that.

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Josh was 2 years old here. The joy on his face tells it all.

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A much younger me and Josh. This is also when he was 2 years old. We usually sat like this to watch tv. I credit English television programs as the reason why he is bi-lingual in English and Japanese.


This photo is from 3 years or 4 years ago. We went out for sushi. They eat fish, but I don't. In this photo, Josh had his simple comb-down hair. He wasn't into fashion at this time.

I am also happy he likes to do LARP just like me. Josh is the smaller guy in the leather armour.

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Josh went to a Japanese-International school and had to wear a uniform. I pulled him out of that school after 3 years since his grades were slipping, and the quality of education got worse year-by-year. The tuition was reasonable though, but the education was not. Now he goes to a better school called Nagoya International School. Tuition is 4 times as much, but the quality of education is superior. They have the International Baccalaureate program.

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The most recent photo from a few weeks ago. We all auditioned for a tv commercial and this was his full-body photo. He is growing his hair in a different style, and as long as he is happy, I am fine with it. Now is the time to try new things, and I encourage him to be himself!

I am very proud of my son. He is a good hearted person who does not lie, even if the truth gets him into trouble. I have told him to tell the truth and any punishment coming will be a lot less. Other than being late for appointments, and procrastinating, he doesn't get into trouble. I am also fortunate that we have an open dialog and discuss his personal thoughts. This helps him deal with 'teen issues' since he knows he always has someone to talk to. I may bore him with stories of my childhood, but I know he appreciates that I am always there for him, and that he will always be my little boy.


I hope readers will enjoy my post. It was a personal post and wanted to share.

How much I like that you are so proud, always enjoy it. Thanks for sharing your story

An interesting and well-written post. Hope you can continue to produce such posts.