The most amazing love I have ever experienced is the love I feel when I look at my children! It is a different love than the one I feel with my husband & parents, none are any less than the other...It is just the feeling I get from the love I have for them, from the bond we have created being so tight, when they are happy I am happy, when they are sad-I too am sad, when they hurt, it is as if I can feel their pain and it is the worst pain when you know your child hurts! It is just so mind blowing the way we gain this amazing love that we never knew existed until we had our babies, It is a feeling like no other- the feeling of knowing there is absolutely no line I would not cross to protect my child, & what I would do if someone hurt my child! Their smiles truly remind me of how beautiful life is and how lucky I am to be their mom! Blessed beyond measure! I love my husband with the same heart but in a different way, it is stronger than ever after almost 19 yrs together- yes we have our days- but when he hurts I hurt, when he is sad I am, if I feel he is in danger I feel I have to do whatever I can to help him be it a sickness, a heartache, anything he feels I feel! I know not everyone gets this type of love but I have been fortunate to know it and have it! I wish everyone could experience it at some point in life! This is my life, my Happiness!♡
I love you too babe, and i feel very fortunate to have this love, as well! Thank you babe!
@punwik ♡