Omg, what a nice post full of deep love to your family and Mom
Happy birthday to your Mummy, dear, she is a so kind-hearted person, and I feel it even through the photos.
I was in love with your Mum since I saw her in your photos for the first time, and you called her "my doll"...:> it touched my heart deeply. even don't know why...,aybe because I am very emotional when it touches family and parents questions too
and I am surprised you Mum still have black hair, wow
I don't know her age, but I think she is 60+, and at this age all Russian women have grey hair, and they dye it all the time. Actually first grey hair often appears at the age of 35+ even.
So I've noticed your Mum is still young, and she looks so nice
The cake is great
and can doest these symbols in the upper part mean? if it's not a secret..
p.s you are a copy of your Mum;> her eyes, her smile, now I see who has made such a great woman like you, dear:>