Dear Daughter,
I don’t know what age would be fit for you to read this letters, but I think I wouldn’t let you know about all of this until you about twenties. I will wait until you grown up into a woman and understand the value of messages that probably wouldn’t benefit so much for you, but will describe enough how’s your mom behaving on her age. I don't want to give you advice on this letter sweety. I want to show you lesson from mistakes that I made, I want to show you life isn’t perfect and you will always make mistakes! Again and again, you will not get tired with mistakes but you will accomplish all the things. Somehow all your dreams will be come true and you will survive. It’s okay to feel down darling, it’s okay to be fail. It’s okay to feel not okay because we are just human.
In the future, I would like to be your best friend, partner in crime and the person that you trust the most, the first person that you will run into when you feel down. I want to let you know more about myself, I am not so much to adore, I am probably not good role model or uncool to be mommy, to be honest I am not good do chores and can not cook delicious meal for you. What kind of letter is this? confession of sin? -_-
After all these flaws, I am your mommy!! Poor you got a mother like me? haha. I will try as hard as possible to make you happy in life. I willing to do anything for you darling! Oh yeah I almost forgot!, while I am writing I ate 3 cups of MONTE in the morning, hahaha.. Don’t you know what is that? That’s my favorite instant pudding ever!, it is combination of milk and hazelnut, I am craving for it everyday! I will let you taste when you born (please come here hurry!) No need to wait too long because basically, Monte was for baby and toddler, I guarantee you will love it! I am attached the picture.
Your skinny mommy, that maybe not that fit when you born
With Love
So cute
Thank you so much! very nice of you