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RE: Delicate Balance - Save or Toss Kid’s Stuff?

in #family7 years ago

really you best parents of our children..because i see you very perfectly doing guiding your children.. today you decribe very good story in your real life..just excellent. Jacob is so sweet that I already think he is my little son, the situation of keeping memories is often complicated, I also go to have the minimum at home, but my life has changed since I am a mother, life changes to be what they like to be, I don't want to imagine the look on Jacob's face when he sees his work of art in the dumpster, maybe it's a big disappointment, but in the end the parents are right, filling the house with souvenirs could be heavy, in the end it ends up being a pile of rubbish piled up on hillsides of it! Maybe you can reward him, with some drawings on the refrigerator door just for a few days. it works for me, maybe for you too..thanks to sharing for your good dear friend.. @brian.rrr.. very well done..