stop child abuse

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

hopefully benefits



Children as victims of violence are social phenomena that require the attention of all parties. Almost daily news on children on physical and psychological violence can be seen in the mass media. The number of cases that occur certainly raises fundamental questions about how to protect children from various crimes. Therefore a publicity campaign is needed to build public awareness.

In principle also, acts of violence in children are not acceptable. Because, constitutionally, Article 28 of the 1945 Constitution has stipulated that the child is a subject and a citizen entitled to protection from attacks of others, including guarantees of legislation including pro-children law. Furthermore, in Article 28B paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution, it is determined that every child has the right to life and survival, grows and develops (rights to development), and is entitled to protection from violence and discrimination.

According to law, the child's growth and development includes not only the physical, but also the psychic, mental, moral, spiritual, social and mental aspects of the child. The right of children to live, survival and growth (right to life, survival and development), explicitly also set forth in Article 4 of Law Number 23 Year 2002 on Child Protection.

It is hoped that a Stop Violence In Children campaign can help reduce cases of child abuse, and build awareness within the community. Without consciousness it is impossible to overcome this problem.


The impact of violence on children is the bad stigma attached to the victim, First, the Internal Stigma that is, the victim's tendency to blame themselves, shut down, self-condemnation, self-disgrace, loss of confidence, and especially the trauma so much as the aging will no longer berkeluaraga after her trauma received violence from her husband. External Stigma is the tendency of the community to blame the victim, the information media without empathy to proclaim the case that the victim suffered openly, and ignored the privacy rights of the victim.

Causative factor

Factors that cause violence in children caused by stress in the family. Stress in the family can come from children, parents (husband or wife), or certain situations. Stress comes from children such as children with physical, mental, and behavioral conditions that look different from children in general. Stress from husband or wife for example with psychiatric disorder (psychosis or neurosa), parents as victims of violence in the past, parents are too perfect with expectations of children too tall, parents who are accustomed to discipline. Stress comes from certain situations such as being exposed to spouses (job losses) or unemployment, environmental movements, and families often quarreling. Other major causes include poverty, social relations problems in families or communities, deviations from social behavior (psychosocial problems). Lack of primary social control of society and the law and the influence of social values ​​of culture in certain social environments.

cause and effect

As we know it is still widely reported about violence against children. Violence against children can happen anywhere. At school, home, or playground environment. From being beaten, barked, forced money, stolen after school to sexually harassed. This fact is of course very concerning and increasingly proves if violence against children until now still can not be resolved. Although in Indonesia there is already a rule of law and legislation that regulate.

In Indonesia, violence against children has been entrenched and practiced for generations. As a result, from year to year cases of violence against children continues to grow. There are various factors that trigger violence against children, among others, due to poverty or economic difficulties faced by parents. However, these factors are not the only factors that trigger violence against children.

Violence against children is closely linked to cultural and structural factors in society. From cultural factors, for example, the view that children should obey the parents as if a justification for violence against children. If the child is deemed negligent, disobedient, and against the will of the parents, then he will get sanction or punishment, which then can turn into a violent. Structural factors are caused by unequal relationships both within the family and community environment. Here, children are in a weaker position, lower because physically they are weaker than adults and still depend on the adults around them. Therefore, it is our collective responsibility, especially the parents, to ensure the fulfillment of children's rights in order to live, grow, develop, participate optimally according to the dignity and dignity of humanity and get protection from violence and discrimination.

The presumption that a child belongs to a parent so that the parent has the right to do anything to the child is clearly not justifiable. Therefore, government participation and public awareness are needed. Because basically, the child is a parent of God to the parents to be loved, guarded, and raised.

It is hoped that the government will make poverty and job creation a top priority to reduce the number of violence against children. More importantly, public awareness to help supervise and protect children also needs to be improved. If a neighbor hits his child, we must dare to rebuke and prevent him. Therefore, children are protected by law. Formally juridical, the government already has Law No. 4/1979 on Child Welfare, Law No. 23/2002 on Child Protection, Law No. 3/1997 on Juvenile Court, Presidential Decree No. 36/1990 on Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child . However, the reality of child welfare in Indonesia until now is still far from expectation.

Therefore, to overcome the problem of violence against the child, the need for maximum law enforcement. Because, it is not impossible facts about the misery and distress of children's life will be a very complicated problem in the future. The concrete steps to be taken are campaigning for the elimination of violence against children, such as sticker installations, training for mothers, and requests for support from the government in each region so that children's rights need to be protected.

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Best Regards @aliceketty




Its so sad to abuse child. We need to make strong laws against this evil. Thanks