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RE: Police Brutality Breaks a Mother's Body & Shatters her Trust (FamilyProtection Series -- Anna's Family Story Part IV)

in #familyprotection7 years ago

This is so horrible. Made my stomach turn and brought me to tears reading it. Though my story is nothing as atrocious as this, I would like to share.

Eight years ago my first son was born. My husband and I moved back to our home town to have family support, though my husband dislikes where we grew up and really only agreed because I thought it was best. Two months after moving there, a month after our son was born, my husband had a mental health episode. The police were called and took him in to custody to protect him from himself. The police contacted child services and we were told I wasn't allowed to bring our child home, I had to stay at a parents house and my husband could visit us there. He wasn't allowed to be with his son, to bond with his newborn in this time of need. We played by the rules, went to the meetings with the case worker, stayed under supervision because we didn't want to lose our baby to cps. The strain was too much on our little family and we separated. We got back together months later (in a different province so cps didn't know) and are together to this day, but I'm still sad my husband was treated like a dangerous person when really he just needed support and love. I know my son doesn't remember this time in his life, thank god, but my heart still aches for him too.
Anyway. That's my story.

Sending thoughts of love and healing out to all of those families.


wow! You could write this up in a post and tag it as #familyprotection so that we can find it.
Thanks for sharing your own experiences.

I will try. It's hard for me, I don't think I've talked about it, ever. I'll see if I can get the words to flow. Thank you for your dedication to this cause.

Not so hard once the gates are opened I guess. I hope this helps anyone in any way.