Oh man. That is truly a very sad story. I am sad for that mother and definitely not good that the mother of the sil called instead of offering to help. Some people just don't think about what could happen. Very strange that the kids were in the car that long. I can't imagine what they are going through or the poor mom. So sad. These stories are all too frequent...it's scary.
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Yes, very sad indeed. Of course I didn't know her then, but I know her now and can honestly say that she's done everything they asked her to do and more to try to get at least unsupervised visits. The court system is not in her favour either. After the last court date, she'd truly done anything she could. She was doing a course, trying hard to find work (which she has now) and getting a more stable life...and it still wasn't enough. Because the courts are crap here too, it was all for nothing and she won't even be able to appeal or anything. At this stage the judge just says that the children have been with their foster mother for so long, it would be upsetting for them to move back. So there is truly no chance for her to ever get them back. What's even more sad is that her ex gets to see the kids whenever he wants as it is his sister who has them now. But she has to live with the fact that she only gets to see them an hour every fortnight. It is so unfair, to her and her kids. I don't know how she gets through each day. And yes, the woman who made the call is a horrible person. This is not the only time she's pulled a stunt like that. She actually went to see the cops for her own son! Because he had been caught smoking cannabis with some friends (he was 17). I couldn't imagine hanging my own kids like that. If there is a problem, we try our best to solve it within the family. I would never call the cops for something that a lot of teens that age would have tried...It's not like he killed someone. And yes, that story with them in the car for such a long time...I still think about it. I also remember their faces. Two of her kids know me and waved at me, but their faces told me enough. There was no sparkle or sign of happiness...There was just sadness. Heartbreaking...