Hello there and I am afraid it is more bad news from the UK. In-fact, I am beginning to think the UK could be one of the worst countries to start a family...
Here in the UK, there is no vast expanse of land to enable a private life, away from the authorities. Our guns have been taken away, thanks to the false flag "Dunblane Massacre". An attack carried out by our own government and resulting in 16 dead school-children and 1 dead teacher. Whether this be a coincidence or not, it has to be stated that the person held responsible for this mass-murder, spent most of his life at one of the infamous Church-run schools that are being "investigated" today, by the IICSA. For more information about this subject, please follow this link.
To cut a long story short, we in the UK, are like fish in a barrel. The protection given to us throughout the ages, by the mighty seas that surround Great Britain, has now turned out to be just as impenetrable for those wishing to leave(Unless you're from the "Windrush generation", of coarse...
Before I take you through the many reasons not to raise a family in the UK, I would like to show you what made me write this article in the first place.
So what is the answer in this situation? If the lady rings the police, they will just turn up and either do nothing, or just involve the social services. This would be all well and good, if the system was run by folk like you and I... But that is so far from the truth, it is shocking.
The reality is that there is no way out for this family and more importantly, for the children being neglected. In an ideal world, this family would have been noticed to be struggling and then given full support in everything they need. This could amount to all manner of therapist and expensive processes, but is there ever a price you could put on human decency?
Unfortunately, we don't live an ideal world, far from it really, and this kind of service is given no attention, or funding. Families like this are left to self-destruct and the neighbours are left with no support network either.
Like Vultures in the dessert, the child-welfare system circles overhead, waiting until their prey is weak enough to devour.
Even with the old adage "They're not all bad", you still have to consider that a moot point when faced with these kinds of scandals we see today. Paedophiles are a cunning creature and they know that the safest place to be is with their buddies, at the top of the tower..

Three politicians are today exposed as convicted child sex offenders in “mind-blowing and disgraceful” revelations that will further rock Telford.
Anglican vicar the Rev Michael Keen, 78, who sat on a Police Authority board, got 15 months for two assaults on a boy aged 15.
A third politician, local parish councillor Graham White, took indecent images of a 14-year-old girl.
Bould avoided a jail sentence after admitting his guilt.He was handed a 12-month community rehabilitation order at Wolverhampton crown court in 2001 for two indecent assaults on the boy, who he first met at a church group.
Even if you do manage to find some form of safety, it is only a matter of time and numbers and then you are compromised once more.
Mr Grant said he felt "sick in my stomach" that "hundreds, potentially thousands" of people could be involved.
"We are talking children the court has taken action to protect from someone who would put them at risk and the council is potentially the organisation leaking their address," he added.
"There is no guarantee this has not been copied and spread, we cannot put the genie back in the bottle"
It's still going on, at all levels
The Munster-based Tusla employee — who worked in child protection — was caught by specialist cops monitoring Irish perverts online.
Now before we move on to my final point, I would like to make something perfectly clear to everyone who reads this post. The reports listed above and the paedophiles involved in them are nothing but sacrificial lambs. These are the expendables and the ones with no hope of implicating anyone important. The only reason we know about them is because our government want us to know about them. This is all one big theatre performance and we are merely the passive audience. This has to be true, because those who have real evidence that would implicate the top ranks of this paedophile network, are the one's locked up and silenced by the state...
It was reported today by the UKColumn, that Beechwood care-home abuse survivor, Melanie Shaw, is still being held in prison, after 2 years. Her unlawful imprisonment was dished out by former Nottingham Police chief, Chris Ayre and Director of public prosecutions, Andrea Suanders, for no reason other than to silence her over evidence she has about paedophiles within the government.
Melanie has informed the UKColumn that she has not been allowed to shower for the last 10 days and still doesn't know where she is being held.
So you see that the concerned neighbour not only has nowhere to turn, but it appears she represents the majority of people from the UK. We want to help, but even those wise enough to be caution about involving the authorities, just have nobody else to rely on. I know how @familyprotection can help parents fight against the evil within the Social services, but how do we fight against the evil within the home? This is an honest question and one with no hidden agenda. The thought of any child in a situation like this makes my bones shudder and my heart sink to the floor. I really want to know how we can help these children, without alerting the poisonous snakes within the SS??
This is a problem we need to solve and quickly! Maybe it is a solution that will take a complete shift in social perspectives? I tend to think it will and if it does happen, it will not be because of "Big Brother". Our government have no interest in community, only business and profit. To put it as simply as possible, we are seen as numbers in a ledger and we all have a worth. The younger you are, the more you can earn your master. So babies are like diamonds, within the human trafficking industry. The more children they can harvest the better. And whether the child goes on to live a relatively normal life, with his/her adoptive parents, or they go onto become one of the many victims of child abuse, either by carers or by the gangster waiting to exploit them whenever the opportunity arises(See Taxi/Data story above).
In short, the Government want to destroy the family unit and they will do this by any means necessary, which brings me nicely onto my final story...
"Breastfeeding your own child is unnatural"
... Well, that's according to the latest article, written by the American Academy of Pediatrics
Pediatrics Perspective. And you mark my words(again), this is all part and parcel of the automation of life itself.
Oh yeah, all while propping up the forced-vaccine agenda.
It’s “ethically inappropriate” for government and medical organizations to describe breastfeeding as “natural” because the term enforces rigid notions about gender roles, claims a new study in Pediatrics.
“If doing what is ‘natural’ is ‘best’ in the case of breastfeeding, how can we expect mothers to ignore that powerful and deeply persuasive worldview when making choices about vaccination?”
How dare you suggest that Mother Nature is gender biassed?! How dare you breastfeed your child while there are Transsexual men & woman who find it draws light upon their natural gender?! A much more important issue at the moment. Yes lets pander to the vanity of an oppressed minority of people, who some would say "want it both ways"...
No before you get your knickers in a twist, just hang on a moment.. If it was actually about the rights of oppressed people, I would be right behind all this LGBT circus. We should all be able to live in peace. I get that bit, but your forgetting the part where you are not supposed to harm others in the meantime. And that's not happening, is it? People are being harmed for the the cause... Families are being destroyed in the name of "LGBT rights". and has anyone stopped to wonder why the LGBT community would allow such collateral damage to occur? No, neither have I and I won't be bothering to ask them either... This is not out of ignorance, religion or bigotry. The reason I haven't asked a transgender activist "why are you helping to destroy the family unit"? is because the answer is, partly, within the question.
The LGBT community are "helping" and that is the problem. They are merely the vehicle that is being used to get from (lawful)Point A, to (corrupted)Point B.
Government is never the answer and what you see is what they want you to see. You would do well to remember that...
Thank you for reading and please up-vote and resteem if you enjoyed the article.
Please take the time to go over to FaceBook and pass on your good wishes to Deborah Milazo, who is still trying to get her son back from the Social services in Scotland. If you do decide to give her your support, be sure to mention where you heard about her tragic story, as I have been trying to convince her to join steemit and bring her fight onto another platform. Obviously, Deborah will be massively preoccupied with the safe return of her young boy, so I have not pestered her on the issue. Nevertheless, I am sure she would love to hear that she has support from all over the world.
Here is a link to her faceBook profile, where she has been posting regular updates on the situation.
Thanks folks. This country is truely rotten. Seems we are one of the few hopeful prospects for families in trouble.
Relevance: War on the Family
Our Purpose
Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Cheers guys! Great to see you again. Hope you are doing well and good to see you still breaking up the system and picking it apart.
A few years ago I was involved in a proposal about how to enable more children to remain with their families and stay out of the care system and/or the judicial system. In both cases, a critical point seemed to be when the child was about ten.
The research into 500 case studies of children who had gone into care or the judicial system within three London boroughs showed that the families had been known to social services for anything up to eight years before and, on average, each case had had nine social workers.
In nearly all cases, families were described as having "complex needs", but which were often quite straightforward: fundamentally, families needed a wage earner in a job that was secure enough and provided enough money for the family to live on and they needed suitable housing - in one London borough, typically, three generations of a family are living in a one-bedroomed flat.
It is true that families often have other needs as well - for affordable childcare, help with immigration and language, and access to health and education services.
"Austerity" - a political choice not a necessity - has increased the pressures on many of these families, with caps on benefits for families with more than two children and housing benefit. Incidentally, the majority of families receiving these benefits are in work, they simply can't earn enough from a job to keep their families.
Supporting families, keeping children with their parents and enabling parents to stay together is also about changing the political and economic circumstances in which they live as well as tackling a system which is out of control, very costly and doesn't achieve very good outcomes for the majority of families - parents or children. This is a cost to all of us, whether we need support or not.
Thank you so much for this thorough reply. This part sent shivers down my spine when I read it..
My daughter is 11-years old and it was on her 10th birthday(Almost exactly) when she changed from "Daddies little girl" to "little miss Independent" No more hugs and she is sooo much more self-conscious. She is a fantastic young lady and has a heart of gold, but the rebellious streak I had is starting to surface. Very hard times as a single dad(and for her mum too). I remember my own parents had split up when I was 11/12-years old and after it happened their attention was elsewhere(Especially on my dads side) They where dealing with there own trauma while trying to raise us and I certainly noticed the change. I began using drugs and being very anti-social from around 13-years old. I was never nasty, but had a very irresponsible attitude. In my defense, I have always been more awake to the wrongs of the world than most of my friends and family. Even at this young age I knew that house prices were getting out of control and the Iraq War had just begun. When I started my apprenticeship at 16, I found out about low-pay for skilled manual work, while watching our bosses go on lavish "team-building" days. We worked our socks off and they sold it all off. We were all left jobless after years of loyal service. In short the society can go fuck itself. If I were to start again, I would be off-grid from the very start. The gov know full-well that they are poisoning society. Robots are coming to replace us on every level and they just want us to tear each other to pieces. If we don't all come together, we are doomed.
Your daughter sounds great! Cherish that rebellious streak and help her to use it well. I agree it can be hard, but ... one bit at a time 😊
Thanks Shan ;)
This post was upvoted and resteemed by #thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.
You will find my active post here: #thethreehugs
That is facts .... That is the reasons.. I like your opinion and your post... Good job darling..
Thank you, my dears. Appreciated.
I do not think there is a safe place. Evil spreads like cancer across the globe. I believe that prayer to your creator is your only protection. Sad we have to live in a world like this. Thanks for the thorough post. Blessings my friend @article61
You are welcome buddy and thanks for the encouragement. I try to find solace in the fact that we are part of something much bigger than we realise. Life as we know it is only the start, I believe. Much more to come after the show is finished.
What the heck!!! This is all unlawful and have no human rights! What kind of brain is this! Brainless government!!! I hate that Government!
Right on bro! That is exactly right and it is about time folk started getting a bit more pissed off about it. Thanks for the support.
They are not serious about their job! What are they thinking, this is a game of life? If I can throw a stone in their head I will!!!
I have a good blog to write regarding this, maybe later today, superb article my friend.
Hey man! I look forward to reading it. Hope you are well mate. I have been meaning to contact you about the scalextric league. As you can tell, it didn't work out and I just haven't got the time to do it. Sorry and maybe I will retry another time. Still think it was a good idea, lol.
Thanks for the support, always appreciated.
Oh well, maybe next time with the scalextric, and all good here, it has been sunshine and over 25c for a month.
It is just starting to warm up here too, at last! Good to see Steem and sbd doing so well.
On many occasions, idolatry is not a good counselor, this considerably affects the ideas of the people, this is how these killings are generated. I would like you to see my last publication, there I share with you what it is to work in the social service and as I have seen until now that the cases are carried out
The government should never be idolized. They are below us, if there is to be a label on it. They serve the public, or that is what it was set up to do(on paper). We need to break down the system completely. And rebuild.
Something if it is true, how can a person believe a safe place, if the organizations that must ensure the welfare of children are the main coruptos ?? They only work to make money for them without caring that they do not have proof that some parents are not able to have their children. then you can not consider any safe place, when these systems are cruel and corrupt, and most of the families live in fear of getting to the door cps.
It's a complete minefield. The sytem has its needs but your right about it being ran for profit. Those who work on the lower level are fooled into thinking they are doing the right thing. They get brainwashed at seminars and training groups, then forget to look at the stats and work out their bosses are using them to turn a profit.
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it could be a lot worse i think. upvote for upvote please? on my blog-- https://steemit.com/busy/@steemingmark/dali-part-15
Oh my.... What a great example of how not to get ahead on steemit. No mate, you get no vote by begging like that, but like you said "it could be worse".....
lol though you might do upvoteforupvote. wish i hadnt the article is rubbish, i am one of them steemians that do not fake like shit like spam nice post. i think the uk is great place to raise a family.